The Non-political ANGER THREAD

It has also been my experience that 90% of the time, if the tacos are more expensive they’re less good.

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TVs have gotten stupid cheap but you can’t use them now without creating a “roku account” which requires a credit card, what the FUCK

Like, you can’t even get to the point where you can just switch to the HDMI input and bypass the built in roku until you create the account

I would absolutely return that TV out of spite

I was just about to do this BUT I found an old roku account in my password manager that apparently was created before this card requirement and that worked

jesus christ this guy did it again today, started a group DM with four people “hi gentlement let’s use this channel for our call today” even though we have an existing channel for this account. I asked him to please use the existing channel. He then posted in the channel that Joe (new guy on our team) and himself were not “members” (clearly he himself is a member, we can see him conversing in the channel a few days ago. Anyway, I @ the new guy into the channel and the ringleader immediately goes back to chatting in the group DM. What the fuck

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I’m not familiar with slack/work drama, but I’m guessing this is just a battle you’re not going to win. Creating a DM thread probably makes this dude feel like he is important and productive, two traits he’s likely striving to be associated with. The rest of the team likely doesn’t care enough to say anything. And you are left with your justifiable rage, steaming at the idiocy of it all. Sounds super frustrating.

the problem is that he’s actively undermining the team, it’s literally 10 billion times harder to find these discussions later when they are spread across 179 different group DM channels (it’s a slightly different team on each call, we bring in a product guy or an engineer or whatever) rather than all collectected in one channel for the account where people who weren’t on a particular call can see what happened etc

Work morons is like 80% of my stress. The other 20% is 18% my asshole parents and 1% each for wife and kids.

And it’s similar. We get huge pressure to cross sell but the other sales people are lazy idiots. Then bosses want to know why cross selling isn’t working and somehow it’s not ok to say “ask them.”

My parents whine ALL THE TIME about not being able to see their granddaughter enough (and it’s fair, but not really because of me) then spend half their time visiting on their fucking phones instead of interacting with their grandchild

ok boomer

Every parent thinks their kid is brilliant and entertaining.

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That’s not it at all. It’s just making such a big deal of not having enough time, then wasting so much of it.

Literally just had this on a cross country visit for weeks.

It’s lead paint. No self regulation, worse than teenagers. On par with toddlers. God forbid you make em feel bad.

I just read a completely serious take from a food blogger that complaints about long personal anecdotes riddled with ads at the top of recipe pages is just “sexist” and it isn’t actually annoying and that’s one of the worst takes I have ever heard in my fucking life, bar none. And yes I’m aware people said trump was not trying to hold on to power.

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Yeah that’s a wildly bad take. I have never ever seen anyone read a recipe from the internet without first complaining about the 300-word-essay-riddled-with-advertising-as-header. My wife is, without a doubt, the person who has complained to me the most about this and it’s not even a little close.

EDIT: My wife has been informed about that take and would like to challenge the person who had it to a duel.


Dear god it’s tilting getting to the actual recipe these days. Like I’ll accidentally touch screen and have to rescroll through. Usually I just screenshot but forget sometimes

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Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse is PART ONE???


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LOL, I just watched this last night and had pretty much the same reaction. At a certain point, I saw the remaining run time, and was like, there’s no way they’re going to be able to resolve all this in 10 minutes… I was right, unfortunately.

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Walked my dog through a municipal park this morning that has three fields for peewee football, one of the scoreboards is sponsored by a local orthopedic practice, which seemed just a little too cynical even for me.