The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Is it just the Jack Nicholas “yes” meme?

Better than being sponsored by the neurology practice, I guess.

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I’d like to think the non-cynical explanation is that an orthopedist expects to get a lot of business from the parents of football kids (prob prime “tore my ACL playing tennis” demographic), but :harold: who knows!

It’s actually pretty common for medical practices to sponsor all kinds of children sport leagues. They send a doc/pa/pt to provide on field support for free in case an injury happens, and obviously benefit from the downstream business.

I am too fucking nice.

2 years ago, I allowed a snake into our home. My husband’s best friend, who was moving to San Diego for a new job as a live-in nurse, needed a place to crash for a month. I said, sure, fine, he can stay here. That job fell through.

Here we are, two years later, and my husband CANNOT say no to him. The guy has a personality like a freight train. Let me list the anger points:

  1. He loves birds. Our screened-in porch is now the bird room, it’s full of cages of fucking birds that he’s breeding and trying to sell. They are loud. When they have babies he brings those into the breakfast nook area so they don’t get too hot or cold and hand feeds them.

  2. The plants. Look, we have black thumbs. Husband and I can’t keep anything but cacti alive. But this guy…omg there are those gigantic ivy plants in pots that grow like 2 inches a week that are taking over our house. He tries to start avocado trees with every pit, so that our glasses are lined up in front of the kitchen window with avocado pits sitting in water…

  3. About a year in, he moved all the furniture out of the guest bedroom to move his stuff in. Fine, whatever. but since we were storing stuff in that closet, it is now sitting in MY office just stacked by the window.

  4. The guest bathroom and now the guest bedroom are painted in colors HE likes, with absolutely no input from me. He drags my husband to the store, they picked out the colors, and painted it without even asking me what I thought.

  5. I watch shows on my PC now because he’s watching whatever crap “horror” movies he likes on our big screen in the living room. If I happen to get there first and put on something I want to watch, he gets all mad, and my husband isn’t much happier.

  6. He is unemployed. He is a NURSE that is unemployed. You want to know why? Because he got a fucking DUI and no one will hire him. His court case sucked up all my husband’s energy for months because the man I married is ALSO too nice and a pushover. My hubby is not a lawyer. But he spent hours and hours researching how to defend this DUI case because the pubic defender was shit. They lost anyway.

I exploded on my husband this morning because they went and looked at paint colors for THE REST OF THE HOUSE without even mentioning it, didn’t ask me to come along, nothing. may be an asshole for yelling, but man, I’m so over this guy and it feels like he’s burrowed his way into our home like a fucking tick. And it annoys me because if I had just kept my goddamned mouth shut 2 years ago, this wouldn’t be happening.

ETA: he also ruined my non-stick cookware by putting it in the dishwasher. ARGH!


I need a play by play of how him staying for a month escalated into redecorating your house and making it into an aviary.

Also I’m pretty sure with the current nursing shortage he can get hired somewhere as long as he has not committed murder.

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Me, naive: “oh, a pet that turned out to be a bad idea”

keeps reading

“Oh no”

Sorry you got a bad roommate you never wanted who presumably doesn’t pay rent :harold:


My kid’s team is sponsored by a local dental practice.

Hockey team?

Oh no, he pays rent. I put my foot down on that.

What I didn’t anticipate was him taking 2-3 showers PER DAY, forgetting to close his window, and trying to connect his Alexa to our whole damned house.

He is one of those people that’s fun and agreeable and friendly, as long as you agree with them. And if you don’t, it’s just absolute bullheaded stubborn insistence (in a good-natured way!) that they’re right to the point where it’s easier to just walk away.

Fuck! I forgot about the dogs! Literally 3 months after my Meili died from cancer, I come home to hear that he is adopting a rescue pit bull. (9-month old female that was going to be used to breed fighting dogs, so fine). I was not ready for another dog. I had no say in this. She was of course adorable, but he refused to get her fixed, and instead made her wear a doggy diaper during her heat cycle. Apparently this sweet dog wasn’t well-behaved enough for him (she regressed on house training for a bit, which they tend to do) so he sold her to a guy in Lakeside who…guess what, is gonna breed her in the backyard.

A few months later I come home and there are two 1-yr old Mini Schnauzers running around the house. 1 male, 1 female, who already had a litter at their first home. He wants to breed them. I told him in no uncertain terms that would not be happening in our house, and he had better get one or the other fixed before the female goes into heat again. He says ok ok I know.

Still not fixed. He wants to breed them, and what is going to happen is she’s gonna get preggers and he’s gonna be like “Oh, sorry, I messed up uWu innocent face” when we all know he intentionally dragged his feet on getting her spayed because he wants a litter.

Instead we have to quarantine the female when she goes into heat and of course who has to take care of her when he’s out partying and husband is at work? yeah, you got it.

The number of times I’ve contemplated just taking her to the vet myself is impossible to count, but it’s not my dog and I would be an asshole.

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I am also a pushover.

I think I would just rent a one bedroom apt and move into it.

Would he leave if you and your husband ask him to? Or would you have to evict him?

What kind of place could he afford for the rent he pays you?

Where does he the the money if he is unemployed? Savings?

If this wasn’t California, I would consider it, heh

  1. We’d probably have to evict him, but i cannot see that happening because we’re both still too fucking nice. He’s still a friend, just…not one I want to live with anymore, lol.

  2. A cardboard box. Look, we bought our house at the bottom of the market, and our entire monthly mortgage payment is really low. Like, less than the average rent of a decent 1br apartment around here.

  3. He has savings. And apparently those birds sell for like $700 each so that’s actually keeping him afloat.

Holy crap that’s crazy. We lost our dog earlier this year and if something like what you describe would happen to us I’d go ballistic.

I rant about it but the absolute worst part is that I know it’s starting to affect our marriage, and I honestly don’t even want to think about that.


Got divorced because I couldn’t bring myself to evict my tenant/friend is definitely too nice.

I was going to ask about this. It seems like a really unhealthy situation that has the potential to damage your relationship with your husband if it keeps festering. Does your husband feel the same way as you do, or is he oblivious to how upset you are about it? One or both of you needs to put your foot down sooner rather than later. The friend will literally never leave until he’s forced to.


I think it’s for the kids, think one the ortho groups here has special walk in hours lined up for whatever day of the week/time lines up with the most kids/school football games

Yeah the DUI is not stopping him from finding work as a nurse. Maybe as a live in nurse, but there are a million other nursing specialities he could get hired to do today. He’s taking advantage of your generosity to a wildly unacceptable degree and I hope you can find a way to evict him ASAP (he won’t make it easy).