The Non-political ANGER THREAD

We got disconnected

OMG eat shit! That would send me to rage mode so fast…

That’s my secret, cap

All anger is political

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People say I’m paranoid when I tell them I only ever do zooms with recruiters and never give them a phone number

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No, you stupid utility company, we can’t delete all your interval data and reload it starting from last month and have our data models and widgets still work…

While the NBA is, in many ways, the best American sports league, and basically the only one I watch regularly so it’s hard to do a real comparison, I cannot imagine any other league has been as terrible as the NBA at making so much of their coverage about sports betting.

Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley giving their FanDuel picks of some random bet has always been tiring, but it feels so much worse now, with live point spread updates during the game, dozens of betting advertisements in commercial breaks, and tonight a new low I haven’t seen before: an entire separate broadcast of the game (the “FanDuel Betcast”) airing on TruTV, aimed at sports bettors. They showed a clip of it on TNT at halftime, presumably for the purpose of advertising though it sparked only revulsion, showing some bros (in panels on the side of the screen, the actual basketball game only occupying about 60% of it) watching the game and celebrating the first basket prop.

This, more than anything, has convinced me sports gambling should be illegal. This is all the worst excesses of capitalism fucking with the beauty of basketball, and I will not stand for it.

edit: to be fair, I don’t know how much of this is the NBA vs. its broadcasters; these could just be choices Turner and ESPN are making to maximize their investments in sports broadcasting, in which case fuck those people instead, still ban it all.


While I would also be annoyed, I kind of admire the moxie there. “Looks like we got disconnected…” That’s fantastic!

bump, TIL that Walgreens actually did have an apostrophe from 1948-1955 (before that it was “walgreen drug co”. So in this case, the company actually took the colloquial form and made it official, then dropped it!

It sounds stupid to say “I’m going to Nordstrom” instead of “I’m going to Nordstrom’s.”

does it?

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I hate the possessive apostrophe anywhere it isn’t needed.

Even smart people will write things like “1980’s” and “Nazi’s”. Stop it.

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(I am a sales people)


let’s circle back to this after the holidays and in Q1

All gambling should be illegal. It’s a regressive tax on the stupid, the addicted, and the bad at math.

this belongs in the hot take thread especially for a forum consisting of former or current professional gamblers, lol.

I think we should be able to legally gamble on anything up to and including over/unders on how many dead children from mass shootings.

I wouldn’t go as far as saying it should be illegal due to the practical implications but seems pretty obvious society would be better off without it. Like it’s not problematic for me so I go to Vegas occasionally, but I could easily replace that with a different trip and not lose out on any significant utility/life satisfaction

The problem with gambling is the same problem as everything under capitalism. In order to maximize profits you have to take advantage of people who aren’t capable enough to do things in moderation. In a perfect world people would be able to gamble without ruining their lives but because of capitalism we can’t have nice things.

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I think gambling a little unique compared to lot of profit maximization that they don’t really have to actively do a ton to maximize ability to prey on folks with a problem, they will almost find it themselves. So trying to minimize that takes actual societal action/enforcement through bans/etc that make it progressively harder to seek out

That’s the point, in a more perfect world they would be actively trying to prohibit problem gamblers from getting started or put controls in place to make it actively difficult for them to degen. There is no incentives and lobbying makes it look like some fine print at the end of ads about problem gambling hotlines means they care about their marks…

I guess I have a bit of a skewed perspective so curious the overall numbers but stuff like spending half your monthly income buy lottery tickets at gas stations with cash seems awfully hard to regulate without outright banning.

Makes me wonder the what percent of gambling is by which method in US, but would want to knock out the top percent or two as I don’t really see some multimillionaire dropping 50k in a casino as something society needs to strenuously prevent.

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Sales people
Shut the fuck up
I am
A sales people

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