The Non-political ANGER THREAD

He’s not wrong. It is maybe not Sales 101 but no later than 201 to let your potential customer keep talking and to do no more than ask them more questions to keep them talking until you are absolutely sure that they have voiced all their concerns and objections, because they absolutely give no fucks about what you have to say to address their concerns until they have said everything they want to say, and for some weird-ass human reason we stupid apes tend to keep the most important and strongest objection to the very last.

This particular STFU was from salesperson small talk at the beginning of calls where they always know a guy or whatever to try to build some sort of rapport with the prospect

I cannot fucking stand the self-congratulatory side hustle / grindset mindset douchebaggery that I cannot escape anywhere except this exact website. These people are just so insufferable.


Sounds like you need a digital marketing mentor. Hit me up and we can explore that together. Also if you need a personal trainer, or help with mindfulness, self-care, life coaching, vitamins, or skincare products for dogs.


Yea this is extremely annoying. I have a friend who got sucked in to that world this year. I now can’t have a conversation with him without him offering to help me buy real estate. Like, I’m happy if you’re happy but leave out the Amway rah rah kumbaya bullshit please.

Drives me nuts as well. Like I fully understand everyone needs to make a living to support themselves but seems tik tok or something has destroyed any historical understanding of trying to make a boundary between friendships and hunting for potential clients or even worse just hunting for likes/etc to boost a business related social media profile.

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It’s even more annoying when you’re actually a mildly successful business owner. People offering me ‘business coaching’ who aren’t 5% as qualified as I am and then getting put out when I won’t ‘hear them out’.

Let me be very goddamn clear: I did not get here by working harder than anyone on purpose. My morning affirmations are ‘work smarter not harder’ and ‘don’t care more about anything more than the person you’re doing it for’ lol.

Also can I just say that side hustles are bullshit? God that term pisses me off. It’s either a second job because your main job doesn’t pay enough, a money losing hobby/scam you fell for, or just some bullshit you say because you think it makes you look better. One of those is depressing and the other two are extremely annoying.

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The most annoying are the people who took a scam class on real estate investing. Fuck all the way off.


Yeah unfortunately there’s a much smaller but otherwise identical scam out there for ‘freight brokerage training’. Which is not, and never will be, a thing. It’s just not how you learn how to be a freight broker. The advice being peddled by these ‘schools’ ‘trainings’ and ‘classes’ is almost entirely very dangerously wrong. Like ‘here drink this bleach’ wrong.

The reason this is unfortunate for me is that every so often I get cornered by one of the people who either fell for the scam or wants to fall for the scam and they just will not hear reality. I had one guy yell at me that I ‘wasn’t a master certified freight broker’. Yes that was the first and last time I ever did a ‘networking event’ (which are also scams it turns out). I should have known I was fucked with that stupid expression that came over the guys face when I told everyone my name and that I was a freight broker. All I did was tell the guy that he should reverse the charges on the deposit he had already put down on a class he was starting in 5-6 weeks.

Guys I know I don’t have to spell it out for this crowd but there’s no such thing as a certified freight boker, much less a ‘master certified freight broker’. That’s not how it works… at all.

This is why I don’t do work stuff in real life. It’s always a hassle and worst case scenario it’s one of the more cringe inducing situations I’ve had in the last decade.

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While we’re at it, MBAs are all scams and teach you nothing about owning, managing, or being an employee in a successful business. They do teach you how to be a giant asshole though.


That’s probably something the tech world got right, no MBA required for management or executive roles (at least in my experience).

Business school is where you to go learn things that if you needed them explained to you it’s evidence you lack the talent to actually operate a business. The rest of what they teach you is just bullshit and objectively very -EV because of oversaturation from all the talentless MBA’s copy pasting it.

If anyone asks me about Just In Time supply chains they’re going to get the longest wettest rant of all time about how fucking stupid people are. At this point it’s not just about the MBA’s this idea is so obviously terrible outside of the niche use cases where it originated it’s on everyone who doesn’t physically slap the person who is suggesting it.

It did get a lot less popular YEARS after I had this rant prepared (and delivered many times) because COVID very predictably took all its negatives and squared them because that’s what happens when you shock a comically brittle system.



Yes that’s how I react to MBA’s every time. I really cannot really overemphasize how little respect I have for people with MBA’s in general. And I mean both professionally and as human beings.

MBA’s are like racism. Racists always make little poking comments designed to point out ‘what everyone knows’ about whatever and act like they’re saying some big uncomfortable truth. Except there’s absolutely no factual basis to any of it. MBA’s do the same thing all day every day. I could tolerate them being paid to be satan on the shoulder of every large corporation in America if they were at least right about something. In reality though, just like the racists, they’re often not only giving advice that will actively make the world a worse place, but it’s also actively harming every stakeholder, at this point even including the stockholders now that ‘shift money from the employees and customers to shareholders’ line has hit diminishing returns and plowed right on through it like everything associated with MBA’s does

They also love lying with statistics… like racists.

Mom who lives in Lexington with me, scheduled a trip to visit my brother in North Dakota this week a few months back. Without going into details shit has hit the fan since then.

Cancelling the flight a no go

Transferring the flight to me, a no go

Maybe it is just American Airlines but fuck the fuck off

yeah tickets have been non-transferrable since the beginning of time. It’s only since security started checking IDs to match the name on the ticket to the traveler has this really been a huge issue though. It’s sort of a back-door subsidy to the airlines.

During covid most airlines put in a “no changefee” policy and I wasn’t aware of any of them changing that back yet. Unless you bought the bottom-barrel “basic economy” ticket (or whatever AA calls their variant of that). Those are basically locked down with zero voluntary changes allowed, which is how they sell them so cheap.

I don’t know about basic fares. Otherwise you should be able to get a credit by cancelling. Of course that credit is in her name, not sure if it can be used for someone else. Typically expires after a year.

It’s the time of year for me to express my anger for gift cards and people that buy them. My wife and I argue about this every year.

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Hard agree.

Also the sheer amount of shit I have to throw away just generally annoys me. So much waste.

Yep. I understand you don’t know what to buy me. But if the answer is a gift card just fucking give me cash at that point. A gift card is basically cash that is restricted to one place.