The Non-political ANGER THREAD

And that x% will never get redeemed.

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Meh. I agree that random gift cards are a waste. But when parents or in laws ask for present ideas and what I need is from a specific place then getting a gift card to the place is nice. Also good if I want to buy, say a pair of skis, and anything counting towards the purchase is nice to have.

Some people (myself included) don’t like to give cash as a gift. I understand cash is basically the same thing as a gift card, but cash just feels so transactional.

I am fortunate enough to be in a business where many of my clients give me gifts around this time of year. While sure I’d prefer cash, gift cards are so much better than the stuff they come up with on their own, like candles, alcohol (I don’t drink), chocolate, asinine gift baskets, etc.

I think gift cards can be pretty cool personally if they point towards an experience someone might not otherwise decide to do. Like a new restaurant or something that is fun but not otherwise think to do like gourmet butcher/arcade/rock climbing/etc. Obviously getting a gift card to a movie theater that doesn’t exist in your town sucks.


Yeah, maybe some people are good at gift-giving but most people are not. It’s kind of depressing to get a gift you don’t want/don’t need/already have and have to pretend it’s great.

For at least 15 years, my brother just gets an Amazon gift card (via email) on his birthday and christmas. No shopping, no packing, no mailing, no postage. I’m happy, he’s happy.

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i always get my bosses a gift card, lol

“Between 2005 and 2015 alone, unredeemed gift card balances amounted to an estimated $45.7B.”

At least saves the landfill space compared to 45 billion worth of festive mugs


someone probably has gotten their economic phd by researching how much deadweight loss Amazon Wish Lists have eliminated

We’re having a bunch of people over tonight, and scheduled a pizza order for 6pm on DoorDash. We were worried maybe we didn’t order enough for everyone so I went to add another pizza to the order, and even though it’s from 5 hours from now it’s not really clear on their website how to add to an existing order, but eventually I find my way to the “DoubleDash” page (they helpfully advertise that you can add more items up from nearby stores until 5:30pm with no extra charge! How wonderful!) and add another pizza from the same place.

So imagine my fucking surprise when they’re like “thanks for your order, your pizza will be there shortly!” with a delivery time of one hour from now. What the fuck??? Going back and trying to reconstruct how this happened, everything on the page looks like it will be included in your future order:

Only on the final confirmation page is there, if you look very closely (and why would you, the entire fucking point of DoubleDash is including multiple things in one delivery), any indication at all that something is amiss:

So it “schedules” this order, too, for… the completely wrong time.

This would be fine if they had a competent support department that could fix this, but they were like “uh we can refund you $10 but that’s it, can’t cancel once the store confirms it” (which obviously the store does instantly, every time).

I think the stores can do a fair amount of stuff to the orders if you just call them directly. Like they could hit something on their end to say you picked up the first pizza yourself and then just have it delivered with the rest or something

Pony-speed reply here but for the women in your life that you don’t really know what to get for a christmas present, you can basically never fail with a lulu lemon gift card. Tried and tested. Never fails.

I like receiving gift cards usually because people always get me shit I hate but have a rough idea of what I like. Yes $100 gift card to a bookstore may seem like $100 cash would be better, but the former kinda makes me buy myself a gift I otherwise wouldn’t, and that’s way better than them trying to buy me a book I won’t read.

target/walmart/starbucks gift cards are like pure scam thoughtless bullshit gifts though because that is something most people would just use regardless of if it was cash or a card.

you know the real problem with this rto/wfh culture war shit actually is

it’s not so much the fact that a company who already doesn’t pay enough expects people to uproot every aspect of their lives on some overpaid dipshit’s whim to work for them, or expect people to sacrifice their sanity and well being to commute to an office to pick up every dipshit kid’s rsv, flu, or latest covid strain - it’s not even that if you do kowtow to that, these same companies will have the balls to PIP you for having the audacity to ask for a completely standard raise for an amount of money that to them is a rounding error at most, and probably not even that.

it’s the fact that they expect us to piss in bottles and then thank them for the opportunity.

I just tell people to not get me anything for Christmas, it’s worked on my family but my wife’s side isn’t having any of that and they still insist i make a list/give them ideas. Hopefully I’ll eventually break them down.

I’m neutral on giftcards i guess, they can be nice for a specific activity or place but sometimes i lose or forget about them.

back when amazon allowed you to add stuff from other sites to your wishlist, you could just have something like a link to your favorite charity’s online donation page. amazon has yanked that feature tho

Forgot to post this but other week my iPhone updated overnight and seems this reset the tone selected for my alarm so despite alarm going off I slept through it for an hour so went to work pretty disheveled looking. Then took me 30 minutes of listening to alarms to try to remember which was the one my brain was trained to

So Dad had a really bad fall. Mom has been spending 8+ hours a day with him for the past 2 weeks or so.

When it came to cancelling a flight with they basically said fuck you lol this isn’t getting refunded

but if you google AArefunds, you get to a site that says ok, but really? I sent them a record of the email of dad getting admitted into a nursing home and they refunded Mom. Sucks, but about the best outcome for the situation.


Sorry about your Dads fall. Hope for the best on that front.

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People who complain endlessly about life situations that are a direct result of their own choices and actions.

The self-congratulatory “oh my god I do so much work as a parent” posts are so cringey. You mean you’re doing the basics. That’s the expectation when you decide to have kids. Basically anyone bragging about their parenting is terrible at it.

There should be societal incentives to not having kids, as it is now it’s a big stigma. Like congrats you crapped out a kid and get a tax break. how is that my problem now? Not to mention every single public facing media thing needs to be tailored towards children, because parents don’t parent or don’t want to parent.