The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I always get tilted on this sort of thing when you order some named item that lists toppings like : bacon, avocado, tomato. Then those same toppings are included in a list with checkboxes and it’s unclear to me if I need to check the box to actually get them or if that would give me double.

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my favorite is when ordering chipotle (lol) if you forget to check a non obvious box like “tortilla” for a burrito they’ll just send you a bunch of chicken wrapped in foil. yes, because that’s what I wanted when I ordered a burrito.

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Either you or the order reader dyslexic? On switched to No?

I actively refuse to use any restaurant that engages in this horseshit

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it wasn’t me, a copy of the order as entered was emailed to me, it clearly says “no butter on bun, no cheese” (forgot that part, they did include the cheese even though that instruction did make it onto the receipt (which is what I assume prints out to the cook). so multiple errors on their part.

Yep, I have a great shop near me for minor stuff, but they can’t do major engine work. I have an issue with the parking brake being locked, which is annoying because I never use it. They get it unlocked, but can’t fix it and tell me only a dealer can because it’s a very specific part on my type of car. I let it go until my inspection is due because money has been tight. $160 diagnostic fee even though we all know exactly what it is going in. $860 to fix it even though the part is online for $240 and there’s no fucking way this is more than a two hour job. And $95 for inspection, which is probably like $30 more than elsewhere and will take them zero minutes since they already gave it a once over for $160 but it’s pay them $95 to sign the papers or pay someone else $60ish and lose the car for another day so obviously they get my money.

Dealerships are a huge fucking racket.

I’m basically getting ripped off for like $500 minimum but I have no choice because it’s a goddamn cartel.

agree on the cartel comment.

but i feel like you all should use your parking break more often. it’s a good idea anyway, but the mechanical movement also prevents things like lockups. anecdotally, i’ve never had a parking break related repair, pretty much always use it.

Anecdotally, I’d never had a parking brake issue, then I hit the button by accident and immediately had one. So I’m 1/1 on using my parking brake and having issues.

Only time I used it regularly was when I had a fully manual parking brake and that was a six speed.

Do their survey and give them low scores. Dealerships live and die by those surveys and it impacts bonuses for the service manager, as well as bonuses for the dealership.

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you really should set your parking brake. without doing so you’re putting pressure on the parking pawl over time which can wear it out.

spent two hours on the phone with this person today, they apparently have either really bad alergies or some weird covid variant, constant extremely dry cough, super tilting, kept kinda wishing they would just choke to death on pollen

The surveys themselves make me angry. My townhouse builder manager kept on me to complete their survey and give them a 10.

I couldn’t do that as they were slow to respond and things took more attempts to resolved than they should have. I empathized that the company put individuals in bad situations. So I thought the better path was to just ignore the requests.

He started riding my ass and I finally had to tell him no survey or a low rating. His choice. As per usual, he moved on was replaced shortly thereafter.

6 inches of snow supposed to come in tomorrow. :+1:

Its tough here too! Rain. We barely get into the 60s. I tells ya, living in SoCal ain’t cracked up to what it used to be.

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I feel like it’s rained every fucking day for the last four months

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You know what is extremely useful? When some fucking whacko at work DMs me on slack twelve times in a row and my phone beeps twelve times in six seconds. Absolute psychopath shit.

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8.5" and my state/metro area is in total shambles, roads are some of the worst conditions I’ve ever seen. But uh maybe no drought this year…

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I had to sign up for health insurance on the open marketplace via covered CA. ok cool, took five minutes, way overpriced but w/e don’t wanna get dinged on my taxes next year for lapse of coverage.

Go to cancel it - of course it’s a dystopian nightmare. I didnt create an account on coveredCA so i had no way to cancel it through there - I was directed (after an hour on the phone) to contact my health insurance company directly. two hours on the phone with anthem (they couldn’t find me in the system despite providing IDN, ssn, dob, and full name) and like 6 transfers I tell them I’m absolutely not paying the premium again for april and I will dispute it with my bank if they charge me so they took me off auto pay. ok half the problem done. then after this long on the phone the last person goes “oh, you’re covered ca, you’ll have to contact them.”

mfer what no! I nearly lost my crap when I told them I was sent directly to them. After I had a mini freakout the guy goes “oh, ok, let me transfer you to our covered ca rep” (like wtf why wasnt that the first fucking transfer??? why did i have to have a literal meltdown to get this far?! it took me FIVE MINUTES to sign up!)

then after all that the covered ca guy types like two things in the system and in less than 1 minute goes “ok you’re all set, coverage is canceled and you won’t be billed for april.”

LOL. so it really WAS that easy, you mfer’s make it difficult on purpose. fuck all of you. fuck health insurance companies and anyone even tangentially involved with them. scum of the fucking earth.


How is this for bullshit

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Of course it was and of course they do, do you know how much money corporations must make off this shit?

Also don’t be 100% confident they don’t “accidentally” bill you for April anyway.