The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I guess this is partly political anger, but it really pisses me off that a 17 year old with no income and no credit history can get a six figure loan no problem, but an adult with an 805 credit score who makes well above the median income can’t get approved for a mortgage partly due to that six figure loan they were given when they were still a child.

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well the student loan isn’t dischargable so there’s literally no downside to the banks handing em out to anyone

Think >90% of student loans are federal and by law they can’t do any sort of underwriting to determine who to loan to at what rate. Massive policy failure to guarantee ability for everyone to get loans w/o putting legal caps on tuition for any institution accepting students with those loans

amazon so enshittified

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I took a job through a 3rd party recruiter late november. Firm is local, I’ve seen them around on job boards etc, a friend has worked for them, seemed fine.

Its a 1099 thing with checks made out to my LLC. “Net 30”. Billed monthly. Payment for my first invoice for about a week of work came on day 32/early january.

Well. Guess what the fuck I don’t have here on day 36?

I don’t even think there’s anything to do? Just next time before I sign a contract just say “ok cool its net 30, what happens if you’re overdue?” “oh well that won’t happen” “oh great, if it won’t happen you won’t mind $100/day penalties for being overdue right?”. I mean FFS.

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Back in the day I was doing web design as an independent contractor. I had a client refuse to pay the last two month’s bills - net 30 so I didn’t know they were stiffing me for the penultimate month until I had worked another month. I forget how much it was, but they were the two busiest months I’d ever had for them - probably between $3K and $6K total. They told me they were disputing that the work was done properly, that I was incompetent, etc, and threatened to sue me for it. They offered me like 25% of what they owed me if I’d sign off on absolving them of the rest. I called a lawyer, and he told me that there was a 100% chance I would win, and a 100% chance I would spend more on legal fees than I’d ever collect, and advised me to take the 25%. I think I negotiated them up to around 50%.

A few months later, some other business owner called me asking about web design work - I had been recommended by the owner of the other business. I asked when the recommendation was made and he said “last week.” I knew I wasn’t incompetent, but I never the less found it amusing that after accusing me of such, they were recommending me to others. The co-owner also tried to hire me to do a personal project for him after the fact, and told me something like, “Yeah I know we didn’t pay you, but business is business, this would be a personal project - my word is good.”

All Harvard Business alums, by the way.

Anyway yeah, not much you can do. Small claims court or just hope they pay. Even if you have something in your contract like $100/day for being overdue, good luck collecting that and maintaining the working relationship… and if they stiff you, you still have to weigh the costs of hiring a lawyer versus how much they owe you.

It’s really easy for rich people and businesses to screw contractors out of sums of money that are big enough to matter but not big enough to sue over, especially if they have a lawyer on retainer anyway.

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Gmail put today’s Money Stuff in spam. STRAIGHT TO FUCKING JAIL

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Always good to check out the client as much as possible. Whenever I work with less known entities I work to get a set number of hours paid up front. Typically proportional to my startup cost/hassle (I sometimes get requested to purchase special insurance).

I got burned one time of a big hassle getting signed up with some cost on my end and then they flaked out after 20-30 hours.

I don’t mind 20-30 hour projects I just want to make 20-30 hours of money- not half.

I have one place where I invoiced them up from $15k. They burned through the first $10k pretty fast and then on a side project I slowly billed the rest over 2 years. The accounting department hated it. Wait until they get an actual amount due invoice next month. Someone is going to shit their pants. (Low hundreds but their paperwork system….)

I’ve also had places forfeit part of the retainer. ($2k at most).

coffee places that have passwords on their wifi, WHY??? also double annoying because most of them don’t post it anywhere so you have to ask the barista, like dude I don’t want to fucking talk to humans

Fucking Bible questions on Jeopardy.

It’s bad enough that pretty much every game has a Bible question in one of the general categories, but then they put a full on category on the Bible at least once a week. Fuck that noise.


They should balance it by having a Quran category the same day. How about a Sharia law one? The olds who watch Jeopardy would revolt.


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Yes and no–whether you believe or not, it’s obviously culturally relevant. My AP English teacher was an unabashed atheist and she always referred to it as incredibly important mythology that all people should have familiarity with to understand a lot of references in literature and everyday life.


Hewlett Packard is such a scam


I was just thinking this. I literally had some printer for over 15 years that miraculously kept working somehow and I get a new one and it’s a complete piece of shit that hardly works and they trying to scam me and probably put spyware on my computer

Their whole business is scamming people into buying ink subscriptions when absolutely nobody wants an ink subscription. They also rig their printers so you can only buy their massively overpriced ink cartridges, I hate them so much

Brother laser printers are the GOAT especially if you just need monochrome printing.


Anything below the $200 Brother laser is almost certain pain and wasted hours watching youtube.