The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Me anytime a cow-worker makes a Harry Potter reference

It’s extremely clear that nobody who works at Hulu has ever tried catching up when they are 90 episodes behind on jeopardy, because the episodes are sorted with the NEWEST at the top (wtf), there is no way to jump to the the end, and after you do manage to scroll to the bottom and watch the oldest, when you delete it, you get dumped back to the TOP. Fuck you shitheads.

If it auto-plays the next episode, you can just sit there for 2 days clockwork-orange style and get it over with.

Since the last 90 (of all this season), are a series of little tournaments it would be possible to just go back 12 eps or whatever at a time.

Some assholes vandalized my skid steer last night.

right, this is the real issue, seeing some losers get a “second chance” is not very compelling, hence the backlog (it’s only 40 episodes but whatever)

it doesn’t even make any sense. the writers strike is the overt rationale for the second chance/wildcard bullshit, right? But what sense does that make? They’re clearly not just using questions they had “in the can” (there are some very recent events referenced) and regardless what would make “in the can” questions suitable for these episodes but not “real” ones?

also my understanding of strike minutae are that ken wasn’t crossing a picket line because something something game show crew is covered under a different contract? But the clue writers are under the other contract? idk.

That’s pretty much exactly it. The SAG contract that was struck was the TV/Film Agreement, which covers scripted TV and film. The “network code” which covers stuff like sports, news, and gameshows was active and not struck.

I don’t know as much about the writers’ contract(s), but I gather they are all covered under one agreement.

All google based texting services (google voice, etc) do. I get almost no spam on my google voice number, which i use as my primary phone number.

Mayim chose to honor the picket line due to her being a SAG member.

Given her politics and the sensitivity in the community that doesn’t surprise me at all. Nobody wanted to get Barrymore’d.

I mean, some actors took flack for participating in productions under the SAG interim agreement, which was expressly endorsed and encouraged by SAG. It was a much better idea to lay low.

I really hate it when someone posts a “question” to a frequent flyer/hotel group/forum and it’s obvious they’re trying to angleshoot some aspect of the program, and it’s clear they know it’s an angleshoot because they’ve very carefully worded the “question” and then they get a sincere response from some idiot who doesn’t know what OP is up to and then they get the “fuck off loser” responses from the old hands who know what’s up, and THEN they DELETE THE POST. I fucking HATE this shit. They should have to SUFFER with the whole group seeing that they’re an angleshooting shitbag AND they should not be able to even disable notifications. I want them CONSTANTLY REMINDED.

that said, obviously one of the big draws of these groups/forums is to “maximize” the benefits/minimize the cost of reaching whatever status level so there’s a fine line. But there is obviously a difference between understanding the rules and making sure you are aware of the benefits you’re actually entitled to and trying to scam the system.

Can you give an example of an angleshot versus a good attempt to minimize cost of reaching a status level and maximizing benefits?

Also if the victim of the angleshot is a major corporation, why does it make you mad? Or are there other victims?

the most common are people trying to get someone else’s travel credited to their own account. This is generally hard to do with airline travel but people still either complain about it or try weird shit, it’s way more common with hotels (e.g. I make a reservation for my friend, but I book it in my name and get the points/credit)

the reason this is bad is that these programs are constantly trying to crack down and tighten up, and often it’s this sort of abuse that is the reason. It leads to harder qualification and stingier benefits.

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Let’s talk Real Estate Listing photos, cause something about them has started to grind my gears. I have noticed a lot of photoshopping going on, in two main categories. The first is exterior shots that are just so overly colorized and touched up to the point of looking obnoxious.


And the non-doctored version:

This isn’t the most obvious I’ve seen, but was the first I saw when I went to find an example just now. At least that listing included the second photo. I’ve seen several that just have the heavily doctored photos of the exterior. Adding lighting on porches or in windows that doesn’t exist, making the sky look way better than it ever will, making the lawn look infinitely nicer than it ever has been, etc etc. Just show me what the property looks like please.

The second category is photoshopping furniture and decor, and this seems to be absolutely rampant now. It’s called “virtual staging”, and I understand its utility to show what a space can look like when furnished, but it’s still quite annoying. Many times the furniture is not to scale, which can make the room appear larger than it really is. Every time the furniture is very nice looking and likely very expensive. And sometimes they even change the floor which really throws off how the space looks.


And the actual space:

Again not the most egregious example I’ve seen, but this one also included the normal photo so it serves my point well. Notice how they didn’t even keep the wall decor or furniture consistent on this one. Not sure if that should annoy me more because it’s lazy and makes no sense, or less because it at least shows what different options might be. I’m leaning towards more annoyed.

This is on top of really shitty photos to begin with and an overuse of wide angle lenses to make rooms look bigger. It’s really been grinding my gears the past few days.

Yeah, the wide angle lens thing is super common and once you get used to it, it’s easy to notice when the proportions for a window or a sink are off, and thus you know what they’re doing. I assume the data says this stuff works. It is probably driving more in-person visits, but I assume that a lot of that is just wasting the realtors’ time.

Super easy to notice this stuff if you are looking for it. I wonder what percentage of people that see these virtually staged or otherwise photpshopped pictures have no clue they are being duped. And I assume this will only get more common and ramp up just how much detail is doctored with the injection of AI tech.

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real estate agents as a profession are easily top 10 scummiest shitbags


need that riverman signal, pretty sure he has an epic jihad against real estate agents

lol that first picture is so altered it looks like a video game or something