The Non-political ANGER THREAD

That’s definitely not even the worst offender I’ve seen this week. Some look like a painting in an art museum. Hmm maybe I’ll start saving all of these and make an exhibit.

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My “favorite” “optimistic” real estate picture was when we got house in winter and the lawn pictures were summer with nice plush grass. When spring came around obviously their dog had shredded all the grass and pics must have been like 5 years old

Ok so has anyone here been part of a super special census survey? My wife and I have had census people show up to our door every six months the past two years. They show up 2-3 days each time. It’s really fucking annoying, they won’t take us off their list. Shit they followed us after we moved.

Had something similar about two or three years ago, but it was just a 15 minute phone call once a month for a year.

Our house was randomly selected. Had we moved, they said would have transferred the survey to the new owners.

Sent packages to separate households via USPS. One address a son, the other a daughter (grandkid gifts for V-day).

Son’s package arrived. Daughter’s never did. We had printed labels from our saved addresses in our USPS account. Turns out daughters name with the exes old house address. Daughter has not lived there in 7 years and never under her married name. We looked and several old addresses that had been changed/deleted are in the saved addy section.

Must have been some kind of backup restore. But how it synthesized her married name with her childhood address is beyond comprehension.

Still trying to track the package. It had a Granddad recorded book that had taken multiple tries to get right (had to return the first one as it skipped a page).


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Fucking developers who ask questions on bugs that indicate they haven’t even looked at it yet. “I don’t understand what is expected when you click this link and it doesn’t go anywhere useful, what were you expecting this link to do? You don’t want it to do what the other 18 links just like it on the page do do you?”

Anyone kind of support that says “we’ve never heard of that problem” when there are 47 hits for the issue online…

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Fonts that connect a “t” with a subsequent “i”, like this:

As you can see, the normal hat of the lowercase “t” doesn’t hang out like that, nor is there a line going backwards from the “i”. So why TF are they connected when they are together?

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Thanks, I learned a new word today.

It doesn’t make me hate it any less. It makes my reading experience a lot less harmonious.

Ligatures are good, actually

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Maybe not so much in titles though…

Related to the real estate listing photoshop anger from above:

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It’s like they didn’t expect the prospective buyers to visit the property!

Is that the Windows 95 background?

In 2021 when my sister was buying a house that was actually super common in our region. Cash buyers buying sight unseen, waiving inspection, and coming in well over asking. I think a lot of New York money moving out of the city and working remotely was the main culprit. Was a wild time to house hunt.

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Yeah that reminds me, I went to see a house once where they photoshopped out the water tower behind the house lol… And they also photoshopped out a dead spot in the lawn from where there had been a tree, which got me thinking about why the tree was gone, then I saw some windows that had been replaced, went out back and saw some trees that had a bunch of branches stripped on the next property over and I put it together.

The house had been hit by a tornado.

But hey, at least I didn’t see the water tower until I got there!

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Ligatures are supposed to make your reading experience more harmonious, although I sort of agree they can be counterproductive in headlines.

As a typographical enthusiast, my favorite has always been the ffi ligature.


Ligatures are very useful in programming fonts.


It’s February and I have the air conditioner on