The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Yep, I feel like we’ve mentioned this to @skydiver8 before and her response has been that the data shows it’s +EV. I’m now over a message a day in the last week, and I’ve been replying STOP to every single one.

I get texts addressed to my mom to my phone number. I can only assume some Democrat strategist farmed my info to make that connection.


I also get texts from republicans meaning they 100% sold my shit to them, hard to imagine anything that could make me more cynical and disengaged than that

I get texts addressed to my name, but offering to buy my mom’s house. e.g. the text says “pvn are you interested in a cash offer for your house at 123 main st??” (my mom’s address). I should see if I can get a check out of one of these dipshits.

The check in at the Horseshoe

my town now has this “hyper reach” thing that will text you alerts about stuff like “oh hey a pedestrian was struck by a car so road X is temporarily closed” etc

of course the company that provides this service only sends you half of the alert via text so they can try to con you into downloading the app. their website feels like a geocities page from 1999. You have the option of listening to the alert instead of reading it, which … makes your browser download a .wav file. What the fuck, fuck off with all of these mendacious fucks, I will never install your app, just make your fucking website render properly.

On a subject many of us are familiar with:

FedEx sent this guy (a security researcher) legitimate notifications about customs duties he needed to pay on a package that were so sketchy they were indistinguishable from a scam text.


This is the most FedEx thing ever.

That article is wild.

Am I the asshole?

Setting: Sitting in the plane while boarding stuff is getting wrapped up on an airline flight that’s been delayed by about 2.5 hours. Wife is in middle seat, I’m on the window, aisle seat occupied by random.

  1. Flight attendant moves random aisle guy to open first class seat.
  2. Wife and I are stoked to have space and aisle access for longish (5.5 hour) flight.
  3. Flight attendant moves someone from a middle seat to our aisle seat.
  4. Saying nothing, the new aisle seat person takes an empty water bottle out of the seat pocket in front of her and sticks it under the seat in front of my wife, next to my wife’s bag.
  5. I say, “Excuse me ma’am, that’s not ours.”
  6. She says some stuff about not wanting it to roll around under the other seat, and says she’ll take care of it when the attendants come by, and leaves the bottle in place.
  7. I stare incredulously, say nothing and stare out the window while my blood pressure climbs faster than the plane.

Results: Eventually, after several opportunities to handle the bottle have come and gone, the aisle woman gets rid of the bottle. No further words are exchanged but the situation feels tense and I burn with hatred for her and pray for her death and the death of her family.



Just a tad over the top.

I was upgraded today, no interaction with the savages in the back.

I’d pick it up and silently put it back where she got it from. If she did it again I’d do it again.

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She must obviously die

Just a confirmation that this has been my experience too. This cycle has been busy, It’s not just the guy in Ohio, or Hakeem Jeffries or Ilhan Omar…—the independent Senate candidate from NE has my number. Weird. The worst was from some centrist organization that had quotes from Liz Cheney and was promoting a 500% match.

This would annoy me.

Separately, every time some asshole sprints up the aisle once we it the gate I desperately hope someone hip checks them into oblivion

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I wasn’t scammed but I tried to get FedEx to pick up a package that had been misdelivered to my house a couple weeks ago and it felt very similar. I remember doing this once years ago, a quick call to customer service and the driver came back. So I went to their website to look up the number:

I’m in the US, looking at the US FedEx info, so I have no idea what this is but obviously it’s not going to work. Whatever, it’s 2024 and I hate talking on the phone anyway, on to live chat:

This was a Thursday afternoon at 1:30 pm. OK maybe I can Google their number, I’m sure it’s published all over the internet. Success, 1-800-GOFEDEX. Called them up and started talking to the robot.

Normally I’ll give the robot a chance to at least narrow down my issue before yelling REPRESENTATIVE especially for a number as broad as what I assume is the entry point for all things US FedEx related. They probably have a hundred call center departments so maybe I’ll get the right one on the first try, or maybe with this being a somewhat common issue they’ve even programmed the robot to handle it. I didn’t get far enough to find out though. I narrowed it down to a misdelivered package that was sent to me but then they wanted the tracking number. I just left the package on my door step and called from work so I didn’t have it. Obviously I can’t look it up either cause it’s not my package. But the robot refused to hand me off to a representative until I had the tracking number. Tried to restart asking for representatives at earlier points but still no luck.

Tried the live chat again, still unavailable. As a last ditch option I tried the virtual assistant, maybe it’s smart enough to get a driver back to my house. Nope.

This is where I gave up.


Our furnace stopped working yesterday, so no heat. It was 61 degrees in the house when we woke up. I cycled it off and on, and it came back on for an hour or two, then stopped again. So I told the landlord. He said he’d take care of it - he has a repair/service warranty on the house so everything gets scheduled through them. Typically they call him back, he schedules it, and lets me know when and I let them in. He told me he reached out to them yesterday during business hours, then I didn’t hear anything else.

He’s always been a decent landlord, so I didn’t think much of it - figured they were probably coming today and he’d let me know when late last night or early this morning, as he’s done before.

Put our small space heater in the bedroom, and neither of us could sleep because it was too hot. Unplugged it, woke up freezing cold. Our options appear to be ~80 degrees or ~60 degrees.

Wake up today to a text that he put it in and they haven’t scheduled it. He sent me the dispatch order so I can follow up, and he didn’t put it in til today, they’re closed today, nobody on call, it says they open Monday and will call by Tuesday to schedule something… whenever.

Now, legally I have the right to withhold rent or schedule someone myself and withhold it from rent. But in reality, if I do that, I’m almost guaranteeing another rent increase at the next opportunity, which would force us to leave, which would let him nitpick the security deposit. So all we can do is suck it up, and see how long this takes.

On the bright side, it got down into the low 30s the last couple nights but is supposed to stay in the 40s the next few nights. May get a space heater with a thermostat and return it in a few days. I hate to shit like that, buying stuff with the intent to return it, but this is America, do what you’ve gotta do I guess.

The corporations are mostly responsible for this shithole where I gotta live in fear of my landlord and he can get away with not providing me heat for a few days, so fuck 'em, they can loan me a space heater for a few days.

I know it’s a drag, but he’s been a good landlord to you. As a former landlord and now a current renter, I probably wouldn’t consider 60F for a few days to be an emergency, and I wouldn’t withhold rent over it if it’s fixed in the next couple of days.

While I’m sure it’s frustrating that he was seemingly lackadaisical about contacting his repair people, do you believe he should be arranging emergency repairs, even it may cost him a few hundred bucks?

Legally, he’s required to repair it within 24 hours if the house can’t maintain 65 degrees. I’d be content if he offered to pay for an extra space heater. I don’t have any leverage in the current situation and he does, so all I can do is hope he offers.

I’ve literally repaired stuff in the house at my own expense without telling him a few times just to avoid having the rent increased back when we were well below the market rate. He doesn’t know that, so it’s not like it factors into his handling of this, but it’s frustrating none the less.

Mainly I’m pissed that he had a few hours to get in touch with them before the close of business on Friday and didn’t, which probably cost us three days without heat (assuming they come out the next day after being called). I assume his insurance has to do this type of repair on a quick turnaround, so it wouldn’t have cost him anything extra. Just five minutes of his time before the close of business - and it could have been done online or maybe even in an app.

Not saying it was malicious, but it was lackadaisical and now we have to suffer as a result. Daytime is whatever, but sleeping with it 60 degrees led to both of us waking up coughing, my wife has a sore throat, and I woke up shivering.