The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Walking into Costco, and the employee who has to take the carts back in side is pushing them across the crosswalk… in the rain no less, obviously not an easy day of work for this guy. Some Karen in an SUV runs a stop sign, and goes into the oncoming lane to try to get around him before he crosses, almost hitting him. He yells at her to stop, and she does. He crosses and says “You had a stop sign!”

She rolls her window down and goes all, “I’M A CUSTOMER, YOU JUST WORK HERE. YOU NEVER, NEVER YELL AT A CUSTOMER,” and tells him if he doesn’t come over and apologize she’s going to go find his manager. So he walks over and tells her he’s very sorry and that he only yelled because he was afraid she was going to hit him. She tells him that’s no excuse, and he better apologize properly. He tells her she’s right and he’s very sorry.

I hope she drove into a ditch on the way home.


KOP? If so that parking lot is an effing nightmare. Not a member. I go occasionally w out of town company.

Cart guy should have called her bluff. Lady should be banned and shamed.

No, not that one. I actually almost got hit in this parking lot the other day too, and the driver in that case started giving me the “wtf are you doing jackass?” look, and I literally reached out and tapped the “STOP FOR PEDESTERIANS IN THE CROSSWALK, IT’S THE LAW” sign.

Also had two people today make me wait for them to park instead of letting me walk across a spot when I was walking in the rain pushing a cart full of groceries. I thought it was widely accepted to be common courtesy to always let pedestrians go when it’s raining and you’re in a car, but I guess I’m just a chump for doing that for people.

Also looking for that image showed me results for this imgflip rabbithole of stupid Republican versions of the meme that technically don’t belong in this thread but send my lawnmower sky high.

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morons in my town who think they understand how to design traffic flows

Going to second this. The light schedules in suburban Texas are a goddamn joke. Also the choices on where to put stoplights and stop signs was… something.

Ok so my work has now instituted some bullshit marketing nonsense called a “Net Promotor Score”. We’ve always done patient satisfaction scores, but this shit is basically the same shit I’d get when I drove for Uber. It’s absurd.

The kicker? The patient who came in dead with no pulses that I got back and made it to discharge? Their survey doesn’t go to me, it goes to the inpatient doctor. The guy who I quickly found appendicitis? Goes to the surgeon.

I literally only get surveys sent on the patients I discharge. And it will affect my bonus pay (albeit not a huge amount).

You should at least get an auto perfect score for the people who come in dead and leave alive. That seems pretty fair.


in this case it was prompted by some repairs being done to a bridge in town, it’s a pretty heavily-trafficed bridge and there aren’t many good alternate routes. They’e completely shut down northbound traffic (the suggested detour is extremely long) while southbound traffic is unchanged.

Of course there are a chorus of armchair traffic engineers who are like “i would simply have one lane in each direction” ignoring the fact that traffic is already insanely congested there (in both directions pretty equally at rush hour) and going to one lane would probably fuck up traffic for the entire town.

Yes, Fred, you figured this out in 3 seconds and people with a lifetime of experience in the field couldn’t crack the nut, congrats.

oh and of course the “THIS IS KILLING SMALL BUSINESS” people, OK karen let’s just let the bridge crumble, I’m sure that will be good for business

look at this fucking drama queen (the area in question here is about 1/4 mile from my house, it’s basically a dead end, there are probably 10 cars a day that go through here)

lol makes it sound like they measuring how well you can convince the dude with a heart attack to call in his buddies to get seen too

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yeah that’s essentially the origins of NPS, it’s mostly voodoo even in the areas where it actually applies (medically, it would be more relevant to elective surgeries than ER visits, but it’s still voodoo)

My local traffic engineers must have seen a presentation at a conference or something about diverging diamonds because they’re going up everywhere now. Every time, the local reddit sees the plans and it’s 90% complaints like “this design is terrible! I can tell by looking at it!” and every time within six months of completion it changes to “wow I’m getting through this intersection so much faster now!”

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I’m rated as a manager by NPS. 10 or 9 is positive, 8 or 7 is neutral and 0-6 is negative. The score is the ratio of positive to negative. Absolute insanity.

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I didn’t know what “diverging diamonds” meant, so I googled it. Turns out my home state Washington DOT has a good web page and video describing them.

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They’re building the first of these in Vermont near where I work. I hope it turns out well.

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A ratio? Usually it’s a difference, positive minus negative, as for how many more people are enthusiastic enough about you that you’d hope to recommend you to others compared with detractors.

Maybe I’ve hit the DGAF decade of my life, but I can easily imagine myself shouting expletives back at Karen as she’s berating the employee.