The Non-political ANGER THREAD

They’re elite. The latest one to go in fixed an off ramp that I dreaded taking. Up to 3 mins at the bottom of the ramp waiting to turn left followed by another red holding for traffic exiting the other side of the highway. Now both sides just go. I’ll admit I haven’t taken a deep dive into figuring out how the flow changes but my understanding is some traffic flows see little difference while some flows are greatly improved. The route I take is one of the improved flows so I love it.

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Seems pretty slick. Not sure I’ve knowingly been through one of these, but I’ve driven past this exit tons of times. Maybe I’ll just go through it once for fun. I especially like that it’s a fairly subtle change to a traditional diamond interchange, so it’d be possible to implement these a lot more all over the place.

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Briefly thought about it, but I’ve basically trained myself to avoid conflict in public in road rage situations in USA#1 so as not to get shot. Costco Karen is probably not very likely to be packing, but I’m just used to avoiding opportunities to get shot by a crazy person at this point.

When you are standing there with the forceps ready to pull the artificial tabletop Christmas tree out of the patient’s ass (million to one odds on falling on it doc!) make them promise a 5 star yelp review first.


same, I am definitely at the point where I’m sick of these fucking egomaniacs making everyone else miserable with their fucking tomfoolery. especially this “the customer is always right” bullshit, fuck that noise, even if you think you have some fucking right to plow over costco employees there are other customers walking in the parking lot.

it’s sort of a losing battle to complain about bad drivers in particular (and it’s pretty adjacent to complaining about airlines, which nate silver called “drunk dialing the internet”), but honestly I think people overall have gotten considerably worse at driving since covid, particularly in parking lots.

That’s EXACTLY what it is!

One of my favorite medical journal papers is one that found that surgeons with better satisfaction scores had worse outcomes. Basically, the surgeons who had higher satisfaction scores did a bunch of surgeries they shouldn’t have done


I just want to know where the epicenter of the right wing zeitgeist that gets these dopes all riled up about imaginary issues like “WOKE ASS STREET CLOSURES” is so I can get in on the grift.

Difference of ratios yeah. % POS - % neg

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To be fair this field seems like an area where the experts don’t know shit since they’ve spent decades widening freeways at the cost of billions without ever making traffic better

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Damn, road maintenance went woke.

Other people are the fucking worst.


The small town I live near just announced via facebook that the state is funding a roundabout in town. People have lost their minds about it.

When grandson needed his heart remodeled at 5 months, the kids sought a second opinion at Mayo.

They concurred with Children’s MN and helped the kids get the best surgeon at Children’s. Basically Mayo said “we take the oddball cases, the ones with lower chances of success”

Shocking to us that AVCD (no vertical center wall) is repaired weekly at Children’s with high 90s survival and 90% no significant complications. 8 years ago. No problems. Still on course for a follow up during or after adolescence which is normal.


We are basically destroying the internet as a useful tool thanks to AI crap

All the more reason to get your art curated by an expert:

Absolutely stunning painting. It’s almost impossible to appreciate how big it is without standing in front of it.

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yeah similar issue, I deleted microsoft teams from my mac, I only want to join meetings from my browser. chrome is unable to understand that the app isn’t there and keeps trying to find it and throwing up annoying modal dialog boxes. In firefox, there’s a list of “helper apps” or whatever it’s called in the settings and you can just delete it, but this doesn’t exist in chrome. When I google how to make this stop, all I get are a bunch of stochastically generated bullshit clickbait pages telling me how to do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I want. I am sure there is a page somewhere that has this but it’s so far down the list I’ll never find it

Teams → Settings → Files and Links → Links open preference → Default Browser

Just my google results, no idea if it helps.

Of course you would have to reinstall…