The Non-political ANGER THREAD

that’s what browser teams would open links in if you click on a link in like a chat window or whatever

What do teams links look like? Do they start with msteams:// or https:// ?

Assuming they start with msteams, I think it’s a macos issue, not chrome. You need to change the association of protocol (msteams://) → application.
This program says it lets you edit that. I’m surprised there isn’t an OS tool for it. I’m surprised the uninstall of Teams doesn’t delete the association. I don’t really expect this to work. So I’m saying there’s a chance.

Answers are here.

teams meeting links look like this:

Join the meeting now random string)

also, if it were osx causing this, I should get the same behavior in firefox or safari, shouldn’t I? but I don’t, neither of them try to open the teams app or throw any error at all

Only do this if you are using Google Sync or you’re comfortable starting from scratch:

Delete Chrome from applications

Under the “Go” menu, select Go to Folder… and go to ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome

Delete all that stuff

Reinstall Chrome

I am not 100% this will work but I think it will.

Boy, I think I would have involved myself. On the other hand, I live in a smaller community where the upper management of the supermarkets know me, so the way I would have involved myself would have been to involve the manager myself, and likely get Karen trespassed from the supermarket for what she did to the employee here, so I guess my perspective might be unique.

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we have a half marathon in town today, so the city made a post on their facebook page “hey be advised there are road closures”

now, instead of, ya know, listing the impacted roads, they provided a link to a page about the race, which also didn’t include the list directly, you have to hunt around on the page for the link to the page with the road closure info.

also they could have just included the map with the closures from that page as the attached photo to the facebook post, but nah, they just attached a stock photo of a bunch of people at a race starting line.

Toddlers… that’s all I got to say.

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Saying no to everything is an important developmental stage. At least that’s what they tell me.

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Things get better, currently playing some super smash brothers with the 4K kid who running around the house bragging that we winning. Last round our team was +1, me +12 and him -11 lol

My toddler turned 19 today :scream:

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I think I mentioned somewhere but if not, almost 3 year old granddaughter bit the dog in the face a couple weeks back. Dog responded but did not chomp. No stitches. All seems good now. So yes, toddlers.

That feeling when you are up at 2 AM Saturday night/Sunday morning and suddenly see the clock shoot to 3 AM. Fuck you DST.


For most people it’s F standard time. When they say they want to do away with daylight savings, they really mean they want to be on DST year round.

Yup today is the best day of the year

Sunset in Vermont is now close to 7 PM. This change makes me happy.

Our OG dog Sid HATED the fall time change. I’d wake up to him breathing in my face, thinking “I don’t give a fuck what you clock says. I gotta pee and get my morning medicine. I can pee here or outside. Your choice, bub”.

We joke in the afterlife he is going to great us and say “it’s not time yet” to us in eternity. Damn he’d get incensed all day for at least a week after the fall back.

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Yeah, but tomorrow I’ll wake up at 6 and it will be pitch dark. FU earth.