The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Wouldn’t this be more appropriate when we fall back?

I get that DST is more popular overall, but man, for the population most vulnerable to time changes, namely, families with children who are toddlers or school age, standard time is so much better. Having some daylight to take my girl to the bus stop is good. Having some daylight to help you when your kids are bouncing off the walls at 6 am is good. But even as I argue that childless young adults and seniors, who have the most flexibility when it comes to morning hours, should have some grace and mercy for the families with children, stability is even more important than whichever of the standard or DST we pick. This clock changing insanity must end.


Yeah I really don’t care which one we go with. Well actually I do have a slight preference, but it really doesn’t matter. Because all I really care about is just stopping it.

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We walked to school in the dark in 73 or 74 and all the Moms were up in arms. I was 8 or 9.

Yeah that’s what spartan was talking about

What if we just split the difference? Adjust by 30 minutes and leave it forever.

Don’t screw me over because you decided to procreate! DST forever!

Big +1 to this post and chuckles post. I don’t care all that much about which one we do, I just care that we stop changing. The changing is just terrible full stop.

Oregon just killed a measure to do this, according to the local news due in no small part because Washington and California hadn’t done it also… LEAD, motherfuckers! Blaze the trail! I may just bang out some emails to state reps tonight.

Wtf is up with only having grape jelly packets available in restaurants?


Everyone knows that.


My work employee dining area has grape, strawberry, AND orange marmalade. Tried peanut butter and marmalade yesterday and quite enjoyed it.



Must be a local thing. Any breakfast place I go to has at least those two and sometimes more.

How long have you been a Communist?

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Look at this shit.

Those are two pictures of the same kitchen. Am I crazy or are they both so distorted in different directions that it makes the room look like an entirely different shape? Look how wide the microwave and oven are in the first photo, where the goal is to make the space look large from left to right. Now compare that to their widths in the second photo, as well as how far away they look from the entrance to the kitchen, in a photo whose goal is to make the space look as deep as possible. Just blatantly misleading.

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Top one has to be more than camera angle tricks. Seems like it has to be 'shopped.

Pretty sure they’ve both been shopped. Both look pretty obviously stretched beyond just the camera tricks.

The door in the kitchen with the wreath in the top one looks way too narrow.

Did they change the orientation of the rectangular kitchen table between the two shots? Look at it, the long side appears different in both of them (based on the placement of the 2 chairs versus 1 chair).

I think orientation may be the same and they just moved the chair. And photoshopped it.