The Non-political ANGER THREAD

looks like it’s a very short lens, super wide angle which elongates in one dimension and compresses in the other. Look how wide the oven looks in the 1st shot while the door there that is perpidicularly oriented looks super narrow

I don’t think anything changed or moved between the shots. But I think the use of the wide angle / fisheye lens or whatever in the first shot is a failure because it makes the kitchen look so small and shallow.

The intent was probably just to show more the the space but it comes at the expense of making the kitchen look much smaller than it is.

From the top shot, if you imagine standing between the table and the oven and facing the door with the wreath, it seems like you could touch the microwave with your right hand and almost touch the opposite wall at the same time with your left. But the second shot shows the room is much deeper (room for a fridge plus dishwasher plus 3 cabinets).

Nothing was moved from one photo to the other. The chairs and table are in the same spot and orientation. I was in this house today and the second photo is a much better representation of the space.

Got an email from 24 Hour Fitness titled “Our club hours are changing” and like an idiot I thought “Oh cool, maybe they’re going back to actually being open 24 hours”

The best part is the email says they’re changing the hours for Monday through Thursday except those are the only days that aren’t changing from their current bullshit
Opening at 8 a.m. on the weekends what the fuck.

So you’re telling me there’s a place called 24 hour fitness that isn’t open 24 hours a day?

Hey it’s at least 24 hours a week.

So I actually ended up putting an offer in on this one. It checked all my boxes and was in the perfect location for me. I have a connection with the listing agent, so I had an edge in putting together an attractive offer tailored to the sellers wants. As of last night I was a frontrunner out of dozens of offers…until last minute they got an all cash no inspection offer for $25k more than I could go. The kicker is that it’s an old lady who lives by herself. Boomers ruin everything.

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What market is this? Thats extremely uncommon most places, the frenzy has abated.

NJ, in the 250k price range. This one had 42 groups go through the open house on Friday 5-7pm. Then had open house Saturday and Sunday, and private showings Monday. Been to a few open houses now where it’s almost reminiscent of 2021 house hunting.

Wow. Truly sorry you’re dealing with that. In my area very few listings have bidding wars anymore.

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I don’t follow real estate around here but based on houses not insta selling I’m guessing the bidding war thing isn’t much of an issue here either. I know friends dealt with it in the 2016-2019 range on first time buyer type houses.

Super glad California just keeps approving rate hikes for good old PG&E while it somehow takes them at least 15 hours to restore service to my apartment.

In recent storms I’ve both seen those 1-day estimates be accurate, and seen power restored much faster than the estimate. Hope you’re on the luckier side!

Just kicked back on right around the original second estimated restoration time. :pray:


The “we will be there between 1-5” and even then they miss the window AHHHHH FUCK YOU

ok i realize this is rage-bait, but the doordash takes from certain parts of twitter are awful

This would be an actual good take if it weren’t being used as an argument for DoorDash:

Our thermostat seems to be malfunctioning. Stop into Home Depot for a replacement. Come home, open box. No thermostat inside

Wtf. Now I gotta go back.

Just wait till they ask you to prove it wasn’t in there

I go to an upscale suburban Home Depot. My bare belly has been known to cause retinal damage from the glare. I should be good.