The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I also heard of kids getting emancipated. Feel like all this probably just depends on what family court judge a lawyer knows is going to let it slide, if I were a judge I would be telling these families to gtfo out of my courtroom

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when I open the calendar entry and itā€™s a teams meeting instead of zoom



Most states are part of a thing where you get discounted tuition at some out-of-state public schools. In the west itā€™s called WUE. My older kid did not have great grades in high school (like a 3.4 I think), so all the UCs except Riverside and Merced were not realistic (itā€™s pretty much 4.0+ or bust at most of them). I was/am not willing to pay $70,000 a year for some leafy New England private college that makes people say ā€œoh yeah Iā€™ve heard of thatā€. And my kid did not want to stay in California. So WUE was our best bet and thatā€™s how he ended up at Washington State University. We pay more than in-state tuition would be, but less than standard out-of-state rack rate. Itā€™s very equivalent to what a Cal State would cost, but still like $40K.

In California the correct play is to do two years at a community college, which gives you preferential admissions to a bunch of UCs to finish off. Itā€™s a great system for all kinds of reasons. But man when all your kidā€™s friends are headed off to see the world, that is a tough pitch to make.

I think the only thing I did right with my kids (with regard to academics/college) was be very clear with them from the early going that unless theyā€™re like top 10 college material, itā€™s going to be UC / Cal State / WUE. My younger son is a freshman in high school so Iā€™m getting ready to start the process again.


It is weird that one adult is profoundly affected by another adultā€™s willingness to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars on their behalf.

Timmy, does you dad make alot of money?

Yes, but he doesnā€™t love meā€¦.spends all his time and money cheating on my mom with hookers and doing blowā€¦sobā€¦

I hadnā€™t heard of WUE, thatā€™s cool. I generally feel like California is great in terms of options, like my sister and I and my wife & her siblings all went to state schools in central or southern CA and it felt far enough from home to be a new experience.

Yeah seems this is a pretty good option a lot of places. But splitting the college experience in half Iā€™m sure puts a big dent in the social/etc aspects so I can see kids not being super excited about the prospect of switch halfway.

Private colleges can be like $70k+ per year so I donā€™t think itā€™s quite at that level. I would never have a kid go private and would strongly encourage going to an in state school or at least somewhere where a scholarship is covering a big portion of the cost.

At least you might only have to cover the room and board part for the first year? Where I went to school we all moved out of the dorms and into shitty large houses or apartments after freshman year dorms.

Think I paid $10-12k for tuition in the 2004-08 range and I was in a semi college town so there were lots of old, large houses available for pretty cheap rent. One year our winter monthly heating bill was almost as much as our rent because it was a massive 100+ year old house with terrible insulation and windows. That was during the gas/oil spike in 07 and the house used oil as the heat source :harold:

Look up something near an old address, wonder how much they are now

Definitely. One idea was to go to a CC near a preferred ultimate destination - Santa Barbara Community College actually looks really nice, and then when you (hopefully) transfer into UCSB itā€™s less of a social transition. But going to a CC out-of-town negates a bunch of the savings aspect of this arrangement.

Bro I have endured Amazon Chime with some customers. Teams is fine and far from the worst.

Guess. I gotta see if Oregon is in on this WUE business.

Teams is what I always use, seems fine tbh.

Also, Iā€™m not usually paying attention

Looks like it is:'s&state=Oregon

University of Hawaii participates :vince1:

oh sure, I had to use webex recently. stone age

had to turn down a speaking invitation to a conference in iceland due to a bunch of logistics conflicts :angry:

California has some very workable schools available to other WUE states. UC Merced is a real school with a ton of amazing resources in just the worst location possible, but I do believe theyā€™re offering a good education. I have visited Cal State Chico (Chico State) and itā€™s a really cute college town. Cal Poly Pomona is a real school for sure. No offense to the other CSU schools, but you probably have something equivalent in Oregon. That was one of my edicts - I didnā€™t want to pay for another stateā€™s version of CSU just to fund a location change. But WSU is in a different league than most of the Cal States (that my kid could get into), imo.

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If so you can send you child to Evergreen a short drive away, they make their own majors there! Like Hacky-sac!

I think Merced is in for a real boom with the high speed rail going right through it (and the first stage ending there)

I believe Chico has taken the moniker of biggest drinking school from WSU at some point since I got out of school in '90.