The Non-political ANGER THREAD

From what I’ve seen WSU hasn’t fallen off much. We went to a football game on parents’ weekend last year and most of the people around us were having trouble standing. Fraternity parties with alcohol are currently banned due to a series of alcohol-related medical calls, much to my son’s chagrin.

They started cracking down when I was there, someone fell out of a dorm window during a party and died. I was a theater kid so I didn’t care much for the Frats, those grapes were probably sour anyway.

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got a “sonos roam” portable speaker thing as a corporate gift, just got around to opening it and… I have to install an app on my phone before I can pair it via bluetooth? wtf

Sister gave my 75 year old technologically struggled dad one of those for Christmas. I am so so sick of trying to explain how to make it work.

The NCAA using the same uniform boring ass floor at every tournament venue sucks. The old system where each arena just used whatever floor they have was way better

Turns out the courts might not all be the same.

To the court painter:

Want to get away?

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Seems obvious when you know to look for it but that seems like something I probably wouldn’t ever notice otherwise

Extended family Easter dinner, and we went to a buffet because Boomers run the world and nothing makes them happier than paying $60 for unlimited amounts of mediocre food. Soft drinks not included!

Not only that, automatic 20% gratuity tacked on. So the servers are hanging out around the kitchen on their phones while our table has old plates piled up four high because why do anything when they’re locked in to their tip? Which is bad enough, but the guy asks if we’re done with that when he points to the stack of plates that’s been sitting there.

No, asshole, our family likes to pile our plates up sky high then try to get the food out from in between them to eat it. Way to earn your $200 tip, buddy!

Also, can I get that iced tea I asked for? “Oh don’t worry about it!” The fuck is that supposed to mean? Maybe you’re not worried about it scrolling TikTok over by the bar making a doctor hourly, but I’m trying to scarf down some $60 dry mashed potatoes and rubbery ham, so some fluids would be useful!

Must also offer a tip of the cap to the manager, because when the soft serve machine stopped working she had the brilliant plan to just keep adding water and then get confused when nothing but water was coming out. I’m not an expert on soft serve ice cream machines, but I’m pretty confident it’s not like a fucking chia pet where you just pour a few gallons of water in and it starts shooting out ice cream cones like magic.

Also special shout out to my cousin who stayed home with her sick daughter but sent her son with his grandmother so the rest of us could get some secondhand “strep throat” exposure. Air quotes because they’re assuming its strep with no test because she gets strep a lot. I get that I’m a germaphobe since 2020, but also I’m pretty sure my 93 year old great aunt doesn’t need to be catching anything. But she’s anti-vaxx because of the long term health risks, so she’s got that going for her.

But the racist side of the extended family managed to not say anything offensive today so that’s a win, although I was kind of looking forward to throwing Biblical references in their face on Easter if they started up and didn’t get the chance.

A+ highly recommend! Can’t wait for next year!


Sounds like the boomers are starting to pull you to the dark side



I’m generally against eating out on holidays, but the real disaster decision here is that your boomer family members probably chose some large chain type buffet place to go to. When you could have probably gotten a legit Easter brunch buffet with actual service by going to a local restaurant running a buffet as an Easter special.

An autograt at a buffet is… a choice. Even google has nothing.

I had a nice Thanksgiving with some friends a local restaurant once, much better than cooking.

Speaking of which, I talked to support to try and get a Factor box cancelled or delivered when I’d be home from work so it wasn’t stolen and they deactivated my account. They did it without mentioning it so it could have been a mistake but I’ll be god damned if I’m going to activate it again.

Nope this wasn’t a chain, it was a local place. But I think this just turns into a cash grab for them. They’re apparently known for their seafood and they had Maryland crab soup with no crab in it lol…

yeah this is super underrated. Even if you want to have the meal at home, get the turkey from your local grocery store etc (a lot of local restaurants do this as well, almost every BBQ shack in town sells smoked turkeys here, etc). If you value the “tradition” or whatever of cooking at thanksgiving, do the sides but leave the big stuff to the caterer. It just removes SO MUCH chaos and stress.

We did this for the first covid thanksgiving and christmas and I will NEVER go back. One of those things where using the Wallet Tool to Fix The Problem is 100% the way to go. Outsorce that shit to someone who is better at it than you.

Especially as the group being fed gets smaller, if you like spending all day cooking for 3 go crazy, but I’d just as well have take out.

Ok am I crazy?

Jesus died on Good Friday and rose or whatever three days later, but Sunday is two days later.

I think it’s “rose on the third day.”

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Friday is 1 not 0.