The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Nah Friday is 0 unless we’re counting time before death as time like we do for pregnancy

I think the phrasing is always “on the third day” with Friday being the first day. Labeling Friday day 1 would be consistent phrasing with creation story for example starting with the 1st day and not the 0th day.

You don’t have to go.


One of those tricky things where like 1/3 of my extended family are great people I like spending time with and get to see only once or twice a year, like 1/3 are fine, and 1/3 suck (MAGA adjacent). So it’s a matter of putting up with overpaying for a shitty buffet and being around the shitty people to see the good people.

They weren’t maths experts back then…

And the real answer is that he “just wasn’t dead yet”.

Either that or he was over in Central America someplace.

GOOD NEWS (I know which thread I’m in), the #1 dumbass I’ve complained about doing this actually used the proper channel for a prospect this morning! we added a new guy to the call today and instead of DMing him, we just added him to the existing channel! The system worked!

Now, that said, he ALSO sent me a text message at 5:30 am to confirm this meeting right AFTER he sent the message to the slack channel, but progress is progress

argh some bozo ran a red light and totaled my son’s car (no injuries). I am going to absolutely take a bath on this since I bought it at the absolute worst time when used car prices were at the peak, honestly it doesn’t really matter, I already took the bath the day I bought it and I knew that, I just had to do it.

Sounds like you made the right call because I assume whatever he would have still be driving or something way cheaper might not have him coming out unharmed

Oh no the thing that prompted the purchase was that my younger son started driving so I had to get another car because I live in USA #1

Glad Junior is OK!





I just perma boycott any business that requires downloading their app


So SIL and family came out from Ohio.

We went to DC for 2 days/1 night.

Part of the plan was to take Amtrak for the nieces to experience that.

Check prices. For 7 of us round trip, well over $1,000 round trip from Philly.

So the wife checks and we can drive down to BWI, park cheap and get to Alexandria for $200. Hotel is right across from the station which is also a Metro station. Made a very good base and a much better rate than downtown DC hotels.

Amtrak and Metro however.

Earthquake on Friday had them throttle speed. So we had allowed an hour time in case of traffic on the drive to BWI. No traffic so We ended up sitting there about 2.5 hours. Mind you if we kept driving it was another hour to the hotel.

Metro needs an individual card per person. Have to card in and out. The ads in station promote Apple Pay if you use their app.

The wife and I decide to download the app. It requires you to setup an account. I kid you not, it takes several minutes to register. Have to scroll for month day and year for your bday. Have to register three security question answers. Have to go out in your email for a confirmation link. Final step was a blood draw and two letters of reference.

All so you can load the Metro app inside apple wallet. The you can tap to enter/exit.

On the way home, the train was delayed coming up from SC by a freight train that was blocking the track. You know cause cargo train >>>> people train in USA#1. We lose about 1/2 hour.

So our first stop on the way back is DC. Where we have to sit another 45 minutes while they change out the engine.

So we rode the Amtrak and wasted roughly 2-3 hours each way.


(And yes it was stupid to take Amtrak in the first place, I was not allowed a vote).

PS. We did have a good time. Both families were able to have friends come to dinner do we had a dozen for pizza and pasta at place called RedRocks.

Got to tour Arlington still on Friday.

Saturday we did natural history and American history, the full trolley tour (which started 2 hours late due to a race tying up streets but we just flopped our schedule so no biggie). Kiddos got to swim at hotel.

yes this is a huge problem, the friction on these things is basically negligible for residents but when I travel somewhere and I look at these apps it’s SUCH a pain in the ass, the friction is HUGE for tourists or business travelers.

In London you just use regular apple pay that you already have set up, no app required, tap in tap out, so fucking simple.

NYC (excluding PATH) uses Apple Pay.

I haven’t been to NY since before covid, when did they change over? I want to say that London had this back in 2015 but I can’t remember.

ugh they’re now doing the southbound side of this bridge, this has been discussed for months with multiple city-wide alerts, etc. and karen is MAD for all of those above reasons but ALSO because she’s too dumb to understand the signs and wants to VOTE THE BUMS OUT, without realizing A) the signs she’s mad about aren’t even in our town, the river it crosses is the city limits, and B) it’s the STATE department of transportation that owns the bridge (it carries a state highway) not the local government. And we’re also back to the “common sense” moms that know better how to engineer the traffic of course.

Idk. Since COVID maybe.

One big difference is that iirc NYC is a flat fee to get in. Doesn’t matter how many stops. So you can use the same card/device for everyone in your group. Great for small groups of tourists (like a family).

DC when you tap in you don’t get charged until you tap out depending on where you are going. So everyone needs their own.

right, london is like this, so everyone does need their own device (maybe? not sure if you have two cards loaded into one device on apple pay if you could scan two people in) but it still uses regular apple pay and you don’t need a dumb app