The Non-political ANGER THREAD

FU 1Password, I don’t want a list of every password I’ve used on a site in random order when I log into something!

Four dumbest humans in the entire known universe in front of me in the self checkout at kroger


Amazon Prime Video sends out a “weekly guide” email that I never look at but this week’s features Creed III which I definitely want to see. It even has a “Watch Now” button. I clicked through in order to add it to my watchlist only to find out that it’s “available”…to rent for $20.

Me: Hey can we use this patients PICC line instead of starting a new IV

Nurse: Sure but we need an X-ray to confirm placement

Me: why? The patient uses it every day without a chest X-ray. The line is in the vein for about 50 cm, it didn’t come out. I’ll put in an order accepting responsibility

Nurse: Its policy.

Me: Can you show me the policy?

Nurse: all mad

Me: orders x-ray

Glad we wasted an hour for made up bullshit

how much was the patient charged for the xray


and did the “all mad” phase include actually finding the policy or was it in fact made up

No policy was found or looked for. No idea how much the patient was charged.

Can you show me the policy is a well known polite “you’re full of shit” medical speak. They were mad I said that

Currently being subjected to the dulcet tones of both an ice cream truck AND multiple leaf blowers

I bet I can guess who people voted for with like 90% accuracy based on their level of obsession with the airline boarding process. This is a huge honeypot for authoritarian dipshits.

From a delta frequent flyer fb group)

(Keep in mind that people in this group all get early boarding and have no chance of being shut out of overhead space)

Hahaha yeah I clicked on this guy’s profile and his last profile pic had a “I stand for medical freedom #stopthemadness” frame around it

Fuck all you plebes that don’t have status. (I have status).

I have a colonoscopy upcoming, the gastro doc’s office gave me a fax number (lol, thanks hipaa) to have my PCP send some stuff over

call the PCP office, navigate the voice mail system, it’s not a confusing menu system or anything but it’s stupid as fuck.

  1. listen to the standard “if this is a medical emergency please hang up and dial 911” boilerplate
  2. standard menu items, select 2 for “medical records”
  3. connect to a different voice menu system, get to hear the “if this is a medical emergency please hang up and dial 911” again
  4. only choices are “if you need the entire history for an extended period” (which I’m pretty sure I don’t) or “if you are a medical provider at a different office” which I definitely am not.
  5. select “entire history for extended period” and assume they’ll actually know what to do
  6. have to listen to the voice menu system read off all of the doctors and NPs in the practice, luckily my doc is like the 4th one though each doc has like 5 NPs so I have to listen for approximately 20 names before I hear my guy
  7. push 4 for doc, get connected to his nurse’s voicemail, she tells me again to hang up if this is an emergency and dial 911, then explains the idea of voice mail, and how it’s a REALLY IMPORTANT to actually leave in my message the reason for my call and it’s also important to leave a name and DOB and a phone number, apparently there are still people in this universe who are doing well enough to have a real, regular PCP that they have a relationship with yet somehow have never actually used a phone. anyway this voicemail message goes on for what feels like 19 minutes, though it honestly was probably less than 30 seconds.
  8. ??? I do not expect to get any sort of acknowledgement, the records may or may not get sent and I suspect I won’t know until I show up at the gastro appointment.

My doctor recently moved so I get a two minute spiel about the new address before you can even push buttons. I am sure they do this intentionally.

Probably 50% of the voicemails nurses get are “This is Joe, we need a new subscription on that one pill” with no further information. You all wildly overestimate the populations functioning.


seems like they could eliminate this sort of frustration by having an actual human take these calls instead of shunting you into 400 brain-melting voicemails that dull your sense of reality before having you record a message that nobody will ever acknowledge

Should file your complaint with ChatGPT

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I hate calling customer service for something after research I got the topic online and finding 1,000 messages and then the rep says “we’ve never heard of that problem before”.

Call a restaurant to make a reservation, get told “you have to use our website” fuck you I’ll just go somewhere else

Sir, you need to understand that our use of technology has IMPROVED the customer experience.

No, we don’t have printed menus. You’ll need to scan this QR code to see what we’re offering.