The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Is it weird that I’ve never had a Taki before. I’m not sure, I’d even heard of them. Had to look them up. Once I did, they seemed vaguely familiar. Are they like an an off brand Dorito?

How is it Word and Excel still take as long to load as they always have, despite computers being 20,000,0000 times faster? Why does Excel even need a splash screen? It’s like if the calculator app needed a loading screen.

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the short version is that programmers are lazy and assume that users have basically unlimited resources, so they just keep adding tons of shit to their applications. Word today probably has 20,000,000x more lines of code than it did in 1995. Most development today depends on huge open source libraries that get yanked in even if the developer only needs one very tiny function. These sorts of libraries (“dependencies” in the lingo) have exploded over the last 10-15 years in particular after the invention of things like maven/pip/gems etc that let devs automatically find and load a bunch of libraries (most of which have their own dependencies, which also get auto-downloaded).

It is truly fucking insane Microsoft still has the entire world paying hundreds of dollars for Office.

I couldn’t tell you a single thing Word or Excel does better now than it did 20 years ago. Absurd that it doesn’t insta-load like Notepad or even Firefox does.

There should be a big benefit to being the first to get a word processor to market first, but you shouldn’t get an effective thirty-year monopoly that gets to charge people AAA game prices for a word processor.

We need a new clippy Microsoft

What do you think MS Copilot is?

I don’t know what that is, if it’s a cool object that pops up randomly and talks to me then we’re good.

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Not my best work, but all I could think of:


Had another offer in this week on a house that was again pretty perfect for me. They got 35 offers, and my all cash and $16k over asking wasn’t good enough. This is so much fun :harold:


Holy shit, that’s terrible.

We got lucky and bought our house last year between Thanksgiving and Christmas time when the market had cooled off for just a little bit. In January the madness started again.

Yes, I’m stuck with a 7% interest rate, but hopefully that’ll come down and we can refinance in a year or two.



On a related complaint about our computer overlords, I want to know why my Android phone still can’t get my last name correct when I’m using speech-to-type.

Imagine that my last name is “Beeker,” yet when I speak it, I get either Baker or Barker, which I then have to correct by hand.

Is there even a way to teach my Android to recognize my name?

It’s probably easier to just change your name, Dr. Barker.

I have a similar issue with Android car. When I’m driving and the system reads a text message it then asks if I want to reply.

If I say “no” the system recognizes “Noe”. So the following exchange ensues.

Android car: do you want to reply?
Me: no
Android car: “Noe”

Android car: do you want to reply?
Me: no!
Android car: “Noe”

Android car: do you want to reply?
Me: fuck you!
Android car: do you want to reply?

One would think that android would make the connection between “no” and “noe”, but noe.

I am friends with the guy that came up with the Word hints back in the 90s (pre-clippy?). He had the idea to put a fun one every 5 or 10- eg don’t run with scissors.

when I find a youtube of a live performance I’ve been looking for and the first 4 minutes is the crowd getting hype and the band walking out or whatever, everything EXCEPT the fucking song I want to hear

also any video that has a bunch of dipshit amatuer hour title cards and dumb shit before the video JUST SHOW ME THE FUCKING CONTENT I can read the metadata in the fucking comments orwhatever fuck off

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Google maps on my iPhone CONSTANTLY lowers the volume to a whisper and the when I finally notice I push the volume up and it raises the RINGER volume instead of the APP volume.

Finally figured out that I have to push the volume button while it’s whispering, which means I have to actually hear it.

And then ten minutes later it decides to jack the volume all the way down again

Managers changing test cases who shouldn’t be “helping.”

Maybe I just haven’t heard the whisper. Google maps doesn’t talk to me anymore. I never figured out why. Went to the Maps app. It’s fine. And I can hear it talking to me.