The Non-political ANGER THREAD

My 30 year old son will call me and act surprised when I answer and it’s his turn to talk.

USPS package tracking has become more useless than google recently

My fucking router made me update the default password (note: not the wifi password, but the password when you log in to the router interface at like which 99% of people never do) when I logged in today while having internet issues, thus guaranteeing I will never, ever remember what it is.

In fact, I’ll put my new one here: password1. Hopefully in the future I’ll remember I wrote this post and that will be my key to getting back in.

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I send myself password reminders all the time by email. I have a system so a clue can get me to the password.

Put it in your password manager, or better on a sticky on the bottom of the router.


I had to update my address in our HR system today and “Former Last Name” is now a required field… WTF? I should have used my Mom’s maiden name “Drop Table” but chickened out…

Well it finally happened, I was rejected in the first 2 minutes of a phone screen for a lead software engineer role because I don’t have a college degree.

For the in-sink-erator company. Headquartered in Missouri.

I graduated from high school 30 years ago this month.


It’s gotta be trivially easy to fake a degree. Just find a defunct university.

Seriously that sucks. My former father-in-law was a drafting/mechanical engineer without a degree. Designed car pumps at his last regular job, lots of concrete accomplishments. When he went on the job market in his 50s it was brutal for him.

For his case faking is more risk than not having a degree. SWEs with 20 years experience don’t need a college degree 99% of the time. The background check is more likely to pick up the fake.

I’m just venting (yes, right thread for it) but

The job posting is for someone with 10 years experience in full stack react and nodejs in a hybrid role here in the midwest. React has been a thing for about 10 years and node a bit longer, the former not super hard to find people can do, much harder for the latter, very hard to find someone good at both, much less have lead engineer experience. I’ve been a specialist at both for all of that time, I’ve built a lot on it, I have a github project that uses both that has 800 stars (a lot).

I told the dude the universe will heat death before you hire someone else for this role before I hung up.

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The upside is that if they’re too stupid to hire you as an obvious fit due to inconsequential gatekeeping, they’re also too stupid for you to work for, and now you know.

I wasn’t being serious.

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They’re definitely going to hire someone. They probably will suck at it, but they will eventually put someone in the slot.

and then there’s this company which asks some crazy questions for every role:

Parents who don’t vaccinate their children…

About all I can say

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So sorry you have to deal with that. Hopefully it’s professional and not someone whose kid comes in contact with your kid.

Thankfully I could say everything I want if they had just exposed my kid. This is a work thing.

Always paranoid about sharing shit because a couple of my cases are legit news stories (including one where I’m in a picture but unnamed/unidentifiable) because they’re crazy stories and/or crimes.

It’s really hard for me to quickly lose my job, but doing something that violates hipaa could actually do it

Went to Home Depot to get some power tools because I’m a grown ass man and don’t need your permission! The kit they had marked for $99 rang up as $160. Which they instantly marked down when I pointed to the poster which showed it, makes me wonder how many people didn’t notice…

My criteria for getting an electric drill was that it came in a kit in a tool bag, fortunately I found I found the last 2 driver kit and avoided the 2 driver + flashlight + circular saw kit for $50 more which I totally would have got if I couldn’t find something else with it’s own bag.

Need to see pics of the bag

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