The Non-political ANGER THREAD

trying to renew my license plate online

in tennessee, this involves a weird combination of state and county-level agencies, I go to the state-level website (which is insanely slow, takes ~2 minutes to load), punch in my plate number, which redirects me to the appropriate county website (after another ~2 minutes). At the county website, click “renew plate” and… get redirected back to the state website.

close tab and start over

this time same thing happens except when I click “renew plate” I get to the next screen. On this page I have to put in JUST the number part of my address (I remembered from last time that if you put the street name in as well you don’t get a form validation popup error, you just get silently booted back to the beginning) and my plate number, website spins for ~2 minutes and … redirected back to the state website.

anyway repeat this 7 times or so, each time, I get one page further along the process.

finally get to the page where I actually pay. this page features one of my favorite dumbass webform dipshit behaviors, where there’s a field for your phone number and it’s broken into THREE SEPARATE FIELDS for no fucking reason at all, and ON TOP OF THAT it has the psycho “if there are already three numbers in this box then automatically advance the cursor to the next box” thing, so when you fat finger your area code and try to shift-tab to get back to the area code box to correct it, you keep getting dumped back into the 2nd box, FUCK OFF AND DIE

anyway, get that filled out and… website spins for 2 mins and of course get a blank ERROR CONTACT YOUR COUNTY CLERK screen with no other info. not sure if the card was charged or not.

go through the whole process again and finally it works, I am assuming I’m gonna end up with two charges and I’ll just have to get amex to fix it.

Had to drive my dad to a dr appointment, I’m in the waiting room and god damn why are doctors offices just fucking MAGNETS for the most chaotic people on earth? Loud ass unhinged ringtones, people moving furniture around for no discernible reason, boomer speakerphone use, etc

Literally gonna kill this fucking boomer with the 900 decibel air raid siren text message tone

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I don’t think I ever picked up the fact that you live in Tennessee, which definitely helps explain the constant rage :slight_smile:

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Had a $2 charge in my IRA for real-time market data in Tokyo, and < $2 of cash in the account to pay it. Did they warn me in advance? No. Did they liquidate $715 of Japanese stock to pay it? Fuck yes, they did. Meanwhile, at 9:30am tomorrow they could have liquidated 1 share of an American stock for < $4 to cover it. Japanese stocks trade in blocks of 100 so they had to liquidate 100 shares of something to do it immediately.

Fucking clowns. Literally could have all been avoided if they warned me during US trading hours, or didn’t have a fucking moronic policy. Like I’ve got thousands of dollars of US stocks in there, the only way they weren’t going to get their fucking $2 in the morning is if the whole world ends in the next 9 hours.

So now I’ve got to sell a share of a US stock tomorrow, then wait til tomorrow night to try to buy the Japanese stock back, and some of these Japanese value stocks swing 5-10% in a day, so they could end up costing me quite a bit here. Or saving me quite a bit here. Hopefully I run good.


I am so radicalized by US car culture that I’ve actually become immune to it but today I saw something at a red light that made me want to get out of my car and smash this motherfuckers windows with a tire iron

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Makes sense with the median price and whatnot but really sucks.

Had to drive from NJ to western PA for a funeral yesterday. A Wednesday in the middle of June, driving in the middle of the afternoon. There were 5 separate constructions zones where it was down to one lane. There was no one actively working in any of those construction sites.

I feel like Pennsylvania has always been this way and I have no idea why. Other states and countries can do such repairs or improvement in a couple weeks and those sites in PA will take all summer and fall too.

My observation is that this is more the norm.

Efficiency in terms of traffic flow is the exception.

Yeah I think it’s more that NJ is (relatively) good with getting their shit done so you’re used to that. Not that we don’t have highway projects that take years to finish, but usually there are dudes actively doing something every day.

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I quit my job officially 25 minutes ago and my phone is still BLOOPing from slack messages


Let me be the first to congratulate you lol. Those sweet relief brain chemicals after you quit a job that was really grating on you are really something.


I bought some dove shampoo whenever ago. It has an angled top so you can’t turn it upside down. It ran out, so I flipped and wedged it between wife’s stuff so it won’t fall over. Since then I’ve used it 4 times and counting.

I’ve got a similar move where I wedge the bottle between two others right as I get in and then by the time I’m ready to use it gravity has done it. After that it’s stored right side up. Not a good plan if your showers are less than 5 min.

How often do you guys wash your hair? I was at my old place three years and didn’t finish my first shampoo bottle. This sounds like a bit from those “don’t turn into your parents” commercials…

I shampoo my hair every day, but only need a very small amount so a bottle lasts what feel like forever.


Team Every Day.

wash mine every 3-4 days, I have longer hair and use product in it that I like to let build up a bit. I don’t like the way freshly washed hair lays on my head.

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Yup plus I play tennis about 4 times a week, sometimes after I showered in the morning so I go back for seconds.

My god I can’t imagine how gross it would feel to be 3 days deep. If I make it until like 4pm I feel like a hobo.