Wookie's Walrus Wreveal

we saw her in October at Austin city limits, she was awesome. can’t recommend seeing her show enough.

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On one count of disagreement with you, I am pretty sure I am correct. She asks, “How can I feel this good sober?” But on the second, I am now less sure. My interpretation of the line was that she does not comprehend how one could possibly feel so great in any state other than intoxication. I see your alternate point of view on the line, where asking how she can feel this good sober could plausibly be that she feels amazing sober and doesn’t know how that can be. That was not how I felt it, and I the Genius lyrics agrees with me, but I see the ambiguity now.

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you were robbed that’s one of my favorite songs OAT


yea, I can see that

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Walrus is a cruel mistress, imo, for all parties involved.


there’s no strategy, it’s all chaos. Do you think Wookie is a man with a plan?

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The next song in our reveal is from a band that, had you asked me to name two songs from them before yesterday, I would have failed. This is a beautiful song, though, and it felt deeply personal to me. My only knock on it is a nit picky thematic fit thing, in that it’s yearning for self-control in someone else (which probably isn’t coming), instead of celebrating self-control per se. I kinda hate that I have to put a song that both surprised and moved me off the podium, but this whole round is stacked.

Jimmy Eat World - Drugs or Me


Just missing the podium is a song that, well, frankly, just barely qualifies as a song. I love the rhymes. I love the flow. I love the message. I love the thematic fit and even indirect reference to another submitted song (although I don’t see Ye going BUSTO any time soon). I don’t love that there’s not much of a beat, no hook, and hardly anything to distinguish it from slam poetry.

J. Cole - 1985

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First up on the podium this round is a song I’ve heard on the radio a bunch, but it’s much more striking when you force yourself to sit down and actually listen to it rather than having it as car background noise. I had sort of missed the boat on how the song was about failing to find needed love and trying to fill the hole in different failed ways. In that way, it’s not just about struggling with addiction. It’s about seeing the way out and trying to find what actually satisfies instead of substances or other addictive fillers.

Florence and the Machine - Hunger

This round’s runner up is an old song I’ve heard and enjoyed countless times, but previously for its sound and feel without really understanding its actual lyrics or message. Forcing myself to sit down, pay attention, and look up some under-enunciated lyrics, I’m very glad I did. It’s a perfect fit. It’s not just about fighting addiction. It’s about reveling in being free from liquor and drugs because now he can finally live his best life, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Iggy Pop - Lust for Life

boom, first place!!!1!

For our champion, when I saw title and artist, I thought there was no way this song would be good. The original seemed like a song that shouldn’t be touched but also one that I didn’t really understand or appreciate before actually paying attention and looking some things up. When this song finally starts to kick in on the second verse, though, I was really into it. Sexual moderat temperance and fidelity were thematic fits unexplored by the other submitted songs, and this song revels in it. She sounds so overcome with both love and lust that she doesn’t even need restraint not to look anywhere else. Also, the sound and emotion of this song took me back to a very particular place for me, some grindy late night house parties with old friends. I loved this one. I wish I could pull this one out while DJing at one of those parties.

Halsey - I Walk the Line


Alright, please claim, and I applaud everyone. I thought this was the hardest category, and it ended up being jam packed with great material. Thanks for the submission no matter where you ended up ranked.

This was mine, glad you liked it!

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Last round. Time to give a first listen to those break up songs.

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Iggy Pop is mine. I was worried it one would sheep too after the Friday I’m In Love debacle but I guess not as obvious a choice as it seemed to me

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It didn’t seem obvious to me, but granted, I hadn’t really been paying attention to the song before. Thanks for making me.

finally made the podium, let’s go!

J.Cole was mine.

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RFC: Walrus host terms should be limited to 6 categories

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  • No

0 voters

Clearly MrWookie is drunk on power and gets off on judging other people. He has had a good run but I say enough is enough. He has shown his bias over and over again. Did he think we won’t notice that it’s mostly the same users who end up on the podium or nodium respectively? He has made it very clear that he is picking favorites and he has frequently banned long-time users in good standing from the podium for breaking one of his made-up rules or simply because he didn’t like what they posted. Let some fresh blood in or this Walrus will slowly be dying.