No way to prevent this: teen murdered while returning an airsoft gun to a sporting good store

Woman eating pizza in Houston restaurant is shot in the mouth, but so many people opened fire that police can’t identify the shooter.

I think we have a new leader in the race for “Most American sentence of the year”.


See Rupar, maybe that National divorce isn’t such a bad idea.

The irony is, if you put it to a vote, Houston would probably vote for the blue side and gun control. Texas, obviously not so much.



I read this summary of it:

On one hand, sure, cool, but on the other like…man it’s 2023 and you’re still trying to shame the GOP into admitting they’re hypocrites?


Stewart 2024

I’d pay to hear the Dem candidate in a debate with a Republican nominee say, “When it comes to children who have died, you don’t give a flying fuck to stop that.”

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This is completely insane, watch the video (skip to 0:50 to see the shooting):

He’s on video doing crimes! How is this possible!

I really want to know more about this. This looks like attempted murder to me.

The linked news article says he claimed self-defense. Prosecutors think the other vehicle threw a water bottle at his car - lol, definitely worthy of shooting back - and the guy claims he was shot at despite no evidence corroborating that. Also, the shooter here cut off the other car he’s shooting at.

Were they the only two cars on the road? Because wildly shooting around endangers everyone around him.

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That’s fucking awesome, I love this country!

(It is beyond my capacity to process this shit anymore. Sarcasm is all I have left.)

I assume the other vehicle was also driven by a person who was in possession of more than the permissible limit of melanin?


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Today’s Seattle Times homepage has no less than four separate items about shootings, two in which a cop or sheriff was shot. (In the Ballard shooting, the woman shot a sheriff, and got shot at in return from the sheriffs, before going back into her apartment and shooting herself.)

And it’s not like this is an uncommon occurrence; I’ve thought many times about doing a similar screencap and post.

Not much to say but it’s just unbelievable to me that 2A people have been and will continue to stick to the “moar gunz” mantra while this goes on.

There’s no way to change it either, is there?

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Only 3 are local, the one for Denver high school is actually a high school in Denver… which probably doesn’t change your point at all…

Not really, what I’m reacting to is more about the prevalence of gun violence generally as manifested in a sizeable fraction of the “front page” of the paper being coverage of shootings.

But it is extra disheartening when so much of it is happening close to home. And I should acknowledge that we (Washington state and Seattle) have it pretty good, gun violence wise, compared to a lot of areas in the country.


and lots don’t make the news at all. since I’ve lived in my current home there’s been two gun homicides within a few hundred yards of me. this last one was a completely random incident and it barely made the news, I heard about it on nextdoor, and only because I went looking after I saw a makeshift memorial on the street curb.

Yeah, same in my neighborhood–a lot of shootings don’t make the news, probably at least partly because it’s “thug on thug” violence and therefore not worth caring about.

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