Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right

Yikes that’s not far from me.

This was an interesting read, as I used to find Wait But Why very interesting on some subjects, but when he started talking about politics it was very yikes (not MAGA yikes but “both sides should stop fighting so much and dividing us” yikes), and this is a predictable ending:

Urban calls this “ladder” “a thinking lens—a pair of glasses for the brain to help us better understand the world.” For him, it shows us that there are two factions in the contemporary U.S. who pose “an existential risk to liberal societies”: one is extremist Trumpian Republicans (who are discussed in one chapter) and the other is Social Justice Fundamentalists (who are discussed over the course of three chapters). Both are guilty of subscribing to a view of politics Urban calls “Political Disney World,” where there are Good versus Evil struggles with unambiguously correct heroes and unambiguously fiendish villains.

Guy spent the last six years writing his treatise of why centrism is great, and by centrism he overwhelmingly means being anti-SJW above all. What a dunce

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Definitely a disappointing turn for someone capable of writing in an interesting manner on so many topics.

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Quoting from the gun thread, where this Stewart interview with the Oklahoma GOP clown was linked:

Someone wrote an article about that sentiment:

non-paywall link

This is a better description of the sort of feeling I had about it:


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Humiliating these clowns makes a difference for normies. I don’t know any libs who believe shit like that sways republicans. That’s not the point.

Anyone got a good idea for a bar trivia name for tonight that references this McConnell concussion?

Brain damaged turtles

Shell shocked Senators?


Old Age Wounded Denture Turtles


Crashing Turtles

Mitch McConnell Sat on the Mall, Mitch McConnell Had a Great Fall

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OW My Head!

I think we need to hold ourselves on this site, to a higher standard and quite frankly I am disappointed in you goofy.

edit don’t know how to spoiler a gif

download it, upload it, spoiler it


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“…including non-binary people” (!?)

you lost me?