The Non-political ANGER THREAD


somehow the 7 people on this call ended up on two separate zooms

my inside sales guy sends an email to all of the people that says “sorry for the confusion, please join us on zoom #xxxxx” with NO INDICATION of which zoom is the “right” one so I have to like find the invite and figure out if I’m on the right one that people are all trying to get to or if I’m in the bad one that people are supposed to be leaving

how does this even happen

there is a person on this call named Danny Trejo and he won’t turn his camera on


thanks UPS


god damn i fucking hate ai like 99% of the crap these garbage ass search engines spit out now has seemed to pass some kind of tipping point and it’s all SEO clickbait ad-ridden piles of AI generated drivel that they clearly all kinda either shared prompts with each other or the algorithms have started eating their own tail, I can barely search for basic facts anymore that should take half a second, like finding the score of a game that isnt in your area, and the worst fucking part about this is this is what i fucking chose to study and this has to be without a doubt the worst fucking thing that has ever happened to the human species since the birth of donald trump, and undoubtedly i will spend the rest of my career either using it, deploying it, writing software for it, or learning more about the math behind it and i hate it so fucking much.

even worse is all the fucking fucktards dumbass fucking opinion about it is 99.9% idiotic, like either people who don’t or can’t understand where this is going, or people that think it’s intelligent and anthromorphizing the shit out of it in ways that make zero sense, or doomsayers that dont understand it’s not gonna fucking wipe us out terminator style, it’s far far more likely gonna make the world so utterly dystopian that the suicide rate reaches levels where extinction could become an actual concern.

even the positives about it, like it’s likely to change medicine research in ways that are hard to think about now, which sounds cool until you realize at age 70 some of us might be middle aged and have to live on this hellhole even longer than we thought we signed up for.

fuck it all holy shit it’s all bad. guarantee 5 years from now most of the shit we consume will be AI tainted or generated in some way and you can fucking bookmark this and quote me


This one’s easy. Google “team schedule” and then if the current game doesn’t show up at the top, click the expand button and you’ll see it.

So like… “Dodgers schedule” will pull up their current box score if they’re playing. Sometimes you have to add the sport after it, like “Giants football schedule” or “Giants baseball schedule.”

But as to the rest, yeah, pretty much.

Five years? Oh, you sweet summer child!

see yea absolutely dystopian

we have the entire compendium of human knowledge at our fucking fingertips available at nearly speed of light latencies and i gotta click something 4 times to find the result of a query that is not even what i am asking for. good lord it’s so dogshit

Nah, that’s low level annoying. This is dystopian: Politics & News LC thread - Vivek and John Candy were right - #1581 by SensiblePerson

I mean for the kid, yea.

Don’t need to, the AI will find it and quote it for me. Right after taking you out terminator style for the disrespect.

Absolutely not. I relentlessly train all the AI’s that populate my news feed not to mention sports or teams that do them because the AI’s favorite thing to do is to spoil events you’re not watching live. The thought of googling anything sports related and the work required to undo the resulting spillage is the stuff of nightmares. If I really need to know a sports thing I’ll sneak off to an incognito tab and go direct to websites that I hope are safe. I will literally look up porn more openly than sports.

My roku froze up tonight and I made the mistake of hitting the hard reset button while trying to restart it. Of course I’ve used my phone to control it for years cause I was tired of the stupid remote eating up AAA batteries. But that requires being on the same wifi network, which it was no longer on after the reset. Turns out (I believe) it’s impossible to get the device back on the network without the remote. But that didn’t stop Google from serving me up dozens of articles to explain how to use the phone app as a remote if you’re already connected. Or how to hack a fix with a hotspot if the roku was set up for a different network. I spent 20 minutes reading through basic operating instructions I already knew before coming to the conclusion there’s no fix on the internet that would help me.

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This is brilliant. (this happens to me a lot during basketball season lol)

I often go into incognito mode to search stuff so I don’t get stupid recommendations on my Google News feed too lol


they’re ADDING LANES to a big traffic area in my town and people are MAD because they cut down some trees, and LITERALLY nobody in the 4000 comment flamewar has considered that actually usable public transit as a solution.

the people who are mad about the trees agree that the only solution is “just one more lane bro” but they think the city planners should have figured a way to fold space and add the lane without removing the trees on the side of the existing road

If I am googling information I need about a question I have, the only way around this bullshit anymore is to add the word “reddit” at the end. That gets you to people who actually might have answers, because someone has had the same question and someone else on reddit has answered it at some point in the history of that website.

How do I beat xyz video game boss reddit
What is the best electric toothbrush 2023 reddit
Current MLS Supporter’s Shield standings reddit


Jesus. This guy needs to go stat.

He also told me his grandmother would put her cast-iron pans in the dishwasher (I told him he must be remembering wrong). That would definitely be an instant eviction for me.

I’ll do you one better. When you’ve got a recurring meeting with hundreds or thousands, and some of them are no longer part of the organization, but you aren’t sure which ones, it won’t let you do any updates unless you remove them, but there’s no way to know which ones to remove unless you look at them one by one. FU BILL GATES

some shitbag sent me an invite for tomorrow… 11:15-12:05

what the fuck

Bring back firing squads for people like that.

At the dermatologist, haven’t been in a couple of years, love to fill out the stupid fucking paperwork I’ve filled out 20 times before, love just striking out irrelevant portions (why would anyone tell a doctor who their employer is?)

I just need some fucking steroids blasted into my neck, fuck off with this ahit at 7:45 AM on a Monday morning.